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- After an hours-long standoff and siege in Burkina Faso, a terrorist attack by Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb has left at least 23 people dead and 56 injured.
- 在布基纳法索长达一个小时的对峙和围攻后,由伊斯兰马格里布基地组织发动的恐怖袭击已造成至少23人死亡、56人受伤。
- The country's government says the victims were from 18 countries.
- 该国政府称遇难者来自18个国家。
- At least four terrorists took over a hotel and restaurant near a popular tourist area in the country's capital.
- 首都一处受欢迎的旅游区附近,至少有四名恐怖分子占领了一家酒店和餐馆。
- Security forces, bolstered by French troops from nearby Mali, eventually stormed the area, releasing 126 hostages and killing the attackers.
- 最终来自附近马里法国支持的安全部队猛攻该地区,释放出了126名人质并将袭击者击毙。
- Witnesses say they played dead in the restaurant as the terrorists fired their weapons; some witnesses reported hearing grenades and detonations.
- 目击者称,恐怖分子开火时他们装死,一些目击者称听到手榴弹爆炸的声音。
- One woman told the press, "they would come back and see if the white people were moving and then they would shoot them again."
- 一位妇女告诉媒体,他们会回来的,如果看到还有人在动,他们会再次开枪射击。
- No official motive has been named for the attack.
- 此次袭击事件没有官方动机。
- The U.S. State Department released a statement saying it was doing everything it could "to account for U.S. citizens in the city."
- 美国国务院发布了一份声明称,正在尽一切努力对该城市的美国公民负责。
- The U.K. has warned its citizens to stay away from the area where the attack took place.
- 英国警告其公民远离袭击事件发生地。
- The same group who claimed responsibility for this attack also took credit for a very similar attack on a hotel in Mali last November that left at least 22 people dead.
- 声称对此次袭击事件负责的相同组织同样对去年马里一酒店造成22人死亡的袭击事件负责。
- Burkina Faso has announced a 72-hour mourning period in response to the attack.
- 布基纳法索宣布哀悼72小时。

重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
announced | [ə'naunst] | |||
eventually | [i'ventjuəli] | |||
statement | ['steitmənt] | 联想记忆 | ||
security | [si'kju:riti] | |||
commercial | [kə'mə:ʃəl] | 联想记忆 | ||
gene | [dʒi:n] | 联想记忆 | ||
popular | ['pɔpjulə] | 联想记忆 | ||
rationality | [,ræʃə'næləti] | |||
mandate | ['mændeit] | |||
response | [ri'spɔns] | 联想记忆 |

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