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- Iran detained the crews of two US Navy boats in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday after their vessels reportedly drifted into Iranian waters.
- 星期二,伊朗在波斯湾扣留了两艘美国海军船只上的船员,据称船只漂到了伊朗水域。
- Ten US sailors-nine men and one woman- were taken into custody by Revolutionary Guards naval forces.
- 十名美国海员,其中包括九名男子和一名女子,被革命卫队海军部队拘留。
- The US says the two boats were engaged in a training exercise when one or both developed mechanical problems while passing between Kuwait and Bahrain.
- 美国表示,这两艘船只在进行演习训练,其中一艘或两艘在经过巴林和科威特之间时出现机械故障。
- The crews were later held on Iran's Farsi Island. They are expected to be released "promptly" according to Iranian officials.
- 船员随后被拘留在伊朗Farsi岛。根据伊朗官员称,他们会被“迅速”释放。
- Relations between Iran and the US remain tense despite the clinching of a landmark nuclear deal which is due to be implemented soon.
- 尽管达成了里程碑式核协议并不久将实施,伊朗和美国的关系仍然紧张。
- However neither side appears to have been keen to let the boat incident escalate any further.
- 然而,双方似乎都不想让船只事件进一步升级。
Iran detained the crews of two US Navy boats in the Persian Gulf on Tuesday after their vessels reportedly drifted into Iranian waters.
Ten US sailors-nine men and one woman- were taken into custody by Revolutionary Guards naval forces.

The US says the two boats were engaged in a training exercise when one or both developed mechanical problems while passing between Kuwait and Bahrain. The crews were later held on Iran’s Farsi Island. They are expected to be released “promptly” according to Iranian officials.
Relations between Iran and the US remain tense despite the clinching of a landmark nuclear deal which is due to be implemented soon.
However neither side appears to have been keen to let the boat incident escalate any further.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201601/422057.shtml