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  • It's an amazing pump, pushing blood, so that you have good blood flow.
  • 心脏就是一个泵,不断把血液抽入,推出,维持血液流动
  • And so I'm going to write that on the side as kind of job number one.
  • 这是心脏的第一个工作
  • These are the jobs of the heart.
  • 这边我们写一下心脏的工作有什么
  • So jobs, and number one, would be blood flow.
  • 第一,维持血液流动
  • And I'll write systemic flow. Systemic flow.
  • 这属于体循环
  • And all that systemic means is that I'm refering to the entire body.
  • 体循环就是相对于全身来说的
  • So systemic when I say that word, I just mean the entire body.
  • 这是针对于全身的
  • All the cells in the body.
  • 全身的每个细胞
  • Now, exactly how that happens actually you can see on this picture.
  • 看这个图,大家会明白原理
  • So, here you have a giant vein, this is a vein, and you have an artery here.
  • 这里有一条大静脉,这里有一条动脉
  • This is an artery.
  • 这是动脉
  • And blood is actually going through the artery, that way.
  • 血管从这个方向通过动脉
  • And it's actually coming into two veins, the one at the top,
  • 进入两条静脉,一条在上边
  • this is called the superior, superior just kind of means at the top.
  • 叫superior--其中superior意思就是上部
  • Superior vena cava. That's the name of the vein.
  • 这条静脉叫上腔静脉
  • And at the bottom here, you can't see it because it's on the other side of the heart,
  • 而下边,这里在心脏另一边,大家是看不到的
  • but there's another vein called the inferior vena cava.
  • 这里还有一条静脉,是下腔静脉
  • And these two veins, this is also a vein,
  • 这两条静脉
  • these two veins are actually dragging blood in from all over the body, into the heart.
  • 从全身抽取血液回来,流入心脏
  • And then, when the heart is ready to pump it back out,
  • 当心脏完成工作,要把血液送回全身时
  • it goes into this artery, and the name of it is the aorta.
  • 就把血液送到这条动脉,名字是主动脉
  • So if you've heard of the aorta,
  • 大家可能听说过主动脉
  • this is the artery that people are talking about.
  • 说的就是这条动脉
  • So this is how blood comes and gets pumped around.
  • 这是血液流出心脏的通路
  • But this isn't actually the only job of the heart.
  • 当然,这不是心脏唯一的工作
  • The job, the second job of the heart, is actually also in this picture, and it's called pulmonary flow.
  • 心脏还有第二个工作也在图中标出了,叫做肺循环
  • Pulmonary flow. So, what does that mean?
  • 肺循环是什么意思呢?
  • Well, we know that cells are expecting oxygen, right?
  • 我们知道细胞生存需要氧气
  • We know this. And that they have a lot of carbon dioxide waste.
  • 同时产生很多二氧化碳废物
  • Well, it's good to move things around.
  • 这些物质都需要搬运
  • It's good to move blood around.
  • 血液需要流动
  • But if you actually never got rid of that carbon dioxide or brought in new oxygen,
  • 但除非丢掉这些二氧化碳废物,或者说补充氧气
  • then a cell is not going to be very happy either.
  • 细胞才能持续存活
  • I mean, you can have blood flow,
  • 所以只有血液循环是不够的
  • but at some point it's also going to want some oxygen.
  • 还要补充氧气
  • And it's going to want to get rid of that carbon dioxide.
  • 同时要把二氧化碳代谢出去
  • So, that's where the lungs come in.
  • 这时就要考虑到肺了
  • So what happens is that the heart, before sending blood out the aorta,
  • 在心脏把血液送入主动脉之前
  • before just dishing it back out to the body,
  • 送回身体各处之前
  • it actually sends the blood over to the lungs.
  • 先把血液送入肺部
  • And it goes over to the left lung, and to the right lung.
  • 进入左肺和右肺
  • And the blood comes back from the right lung and the left lung,
  • 经过两个肺之后
  • and gets pushed back into the heart, and then gets squeezed through the aorta.
  • 送回心脏,再送入主动脉
  • So there's this actual extra little step here,
  • 在肺中的这个步骤
  • where blood is going to and from the lungs, and that's the pulmonary flow.
  • 这个过程叫肺循环



重点单词   查看全部解释    
inferior [in'fiəriə]


adj. 次等的,较低的,不如的

pump [pʌmp]


n. 泵,抽水机,打气筒,抽水,打气
v. 打

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

artery ['ɑ:təri]


n. 动脉,主流,干道

superior [su:'piəriə]


n. 上级,高手,上标
adj. 上层的,上好

vein [vein]


n. 静脉,纹理,叶脉,岩脉
vt. 使有脉络

aorta [ei'ɔ:tə]


n. 主动脉





