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- For the second time since 2012, voters in Slovenia have rejected an attempt to legalize gay marriage.
- 自2012以来的第二次,斯洛文尼亚选民拒绝同性恋婚姻合法化。
- Back in March, the country's parliament passed legislation redefining marriage as a "union of two" rather than a "union of a man and a woman."
- 早在今年3月,斯洛文尼亚议会通过立法,重新定义婚姻为“两个人的结合”,而不是“一个男人和一个女人结合”。
- It also granted gay couples the right to adopt children.
- 立法中也允许同性恋夫妇收养孩子的权利。
- A group called the "Children Are at Stake" gathered more than 40,000 signatures and demanded a referendum.
- 一个被称为“儿童正处于危险”的群体聚集了40,000多个签名,要求进行全民投票。
- Critics of the legislation argued that adoption by gay parents would go against a child's need both a mother and a father figure.
- 立法批评者认为,同性恋父母收养孩子违背了孩子需要一个母亲和一个父亲的需求。
- As of Sunday afternoon. authorities said 90 percent of the votes had been counted and 63 percent voted against same-sex marriage.
- 截至星期日下午,当局称百分之90的选票已经被计算在内,其中百分之63的人投票反对同性婚姻。
- Since 2006, gay couples in Slovenia have been granted rights under civil partnership.
- 自2006以来同性恋伴侣在斯洛文尼亚已获得民事伴侣权利。
- Slovenia, a largely Catholic country, would have been the first Central European, Slavic and post-communist nation to approve gay marriage.
- 斯洛文尼亚,一个主要的天主教国家,成为第一个中欧、斯拉夫和后共产主义允许同性恋结婚的国家。
- But other Central European countries are moving in the opposite direction.
- 但其它欧洲国家正朝相反的方向发展。
- Slovakia and Croatia recently followed in the footsteps of neighbors like Poland and Bulgaria
- 最近,斯洛伐克和克罗地亚也紧跟着邻国像波兰和保加利亚的脚步,
- by updating its constitutions to stress marriage is only valid between a man and woman.
- 更新其宪法强调婚姻只有在男人和女人之间才能生效。
- In total, 14 countries in Europe allow same-sex marriage. Ireland joined that list in May after a nationwide vote.
- 欧洲总共有14个国家允许同性婚姻。爱尔兰在经过全国公投后于五月加入该列。


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