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- If I hadn't owned to my mistake and confronted failure fast instead of ignoring it, I would not be here today
- 如果我没有快速承认和改正错误 如果我忽略了这个错误 就不会有今天的我
- So maybe another possible thing for you guys to remember see, I'm trying to help you guys
- 也许你们可以记住另外一点 看到了吗 我是想帮助大家
- when you fail face your failure, face it head on, admit it, grow from it
- 在你失败时 直面失败 承认失败 并从它获得成长
- When the world spins so fast, it means no one knows what the right answer is and everyone will face failure
- 世界发展日新月异 没人知道正确答案是什么 所有人都会遭遇失败
- Ideas that were once can't miss missed Companies that were surefire
- 一度认为不可能失败的想法可能会失败 觉得肯定能成的公司
- went down in flames It's what you do when that happens that determinates
- 也可能会轰然崩塌 在遭遇失败时怎么做决定了
- who ultimately succeeds and who does not Failure is part of the process
- 你最终是否能够取得成功 失败只是过程中的一部分
- It's where we learn the most And it's what makes us who we are
- 失败能够让人得到最大进步 是成就我们的必经之路
- Now as I look out at all of you, I'm reminded of my own graduation I remember there were an awful lot of question marks for me
- 看到你们 让我想到了我自己的毕业 我记得 当时我心中有很多疑问
- Graduating meant leaving behind my friends, my college life It meant I'd have to figure out what to do with my real, my "real" life
- 毕业意味着我要离开朋友 离开大学生活 意味着我需要去面对"真正的"生活
- And I had no idea what I was going to do I had no job lined up, no prospects
- 我对自己要做什么 心里没底 我没有太多工作计划和展望
- My big plan was to go home live with my parents, and share the family car with my little sister
- 我只想回家 同父母住在一起 同小妹共用家里的车
- Now to some of you, that might sound like a strange fear Hopkins is a unique place
- 我的这种恐惧或许会让你们觉得有些陌生 霍普金斯是一个独特的地方
- and that some of you have known exactly what you've wanted to do since you set foot on this campus
- 从踏上这所学校的那一天起 有些人就很明确自己想做什么
- Many of you have useful degrees biomedical engineering
- 你们很多人都拿到了有用的学位 生物医学工程
- public health economics
- 公共卫生 经济学
- applied math computer science
- 应用数学 计算机科学
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201512/414387.shtml