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- On the one hand, there's the wanting processes.
- 在一方面,有一个期望过程
- This is a bit like ambition and drive,
- 有点像野心和驱动力--
- I'm going to do that. I'm going to work hard.
- 我要去做那件事,我要努力
- On the other hand, there's the liking processes,
- 在另一方面,有趣味的过程
- fun and affection and delight
- 乐趣,感情和愉悦
- and an enormous flying beast with an orc on the back.
- 一个庞大的飞行动物背上骑着兽人
- It's a really great image. It's pretty cool.
- 真是一个绝佳的图像,真的太酷了
- It's from the game World of Warcraft with more than 10 million players globally,
- 它来自游戏《魔兽世界》,在全球拥有超过100万玩家
- one of whom is me, another of whom is my wife.
- 其中有一个就是我,还有一个是我妻子
- And this kind of a world,
- 这是一种世界
- this vast flying beast you can ride around,
- 有大量的飞行动物你可以骑着到处跑
- shows why games are so very good at doing both the wanting and the liking.
- 而这正显示出为什么游戏是多么善于让人同时做要做和喜欢做的事。
- Because it's very powerful. It's pretty awesome.
- 因为它功能强大,它棒极了
- It gives you great powers.
- 它给予你强大的力量
- Your ambition is satisfied, but it's very beautiful.
- 你的野心被满足,同时它也是美好的
- It's a very great pleasure to fly around.
- 能够飞来飞去多妙啊
- And so these combine to form a very intense emotional engagement.
- 所以所有这些东西结合起来构造了一个非常强烈的情感活动
- But this isn't the really interesting stuff.
- 但这并非真正有趣的东西
- The really interesting stuff about virtuality is what you can measure with it.
- 真正有趣的东西是它的虚拟性是用它你能度量一些东西
- Because what you can measure in virtuality is everything.
- 因为在虚拟世界你可以度量任何东西
- Every single thing that every single person
- 在游戏里玩过的每个人
- who's ever played in a game has ever done can be measured.
- 做的每件事情,都可以被测量
- The biggest games in the world today
- 目前全世界最大的游戏
- are measuring more than one billion points of data
- 所测量的数据超过数十亿份
- about their players, about what everybody does
- 关于它的玩家,关于每个人的行动
- far more detail than you'd ever get from any website.
- 远远超过你从任何一个网站上所获得的细节
- And this allows something very special to happen in games.
- 这就使一些特殊的东西在游戏中发生
- It's something called the reward schedule.
- 这些东西名为奖励量表
- And by this, I mean looking at what millions upon millions of people have done
- 说到这,我的意思是看着亿万人做了什么
- and carefully calibrating the rate,
- 然后仔细校准在游戏中的
- the nature, the type, the intensity of rewards in games
- 频率,性质,类型和奖励力度
- to keep them engaged over staggering amounts of time and effort.
- 以保持他们参与以这惊人数量的时间和努力
- Now, to try and explain this in sort of real terms,
- 现在,为了尝试做些实例性解释
- I want to talk about a kind of task
- 我想谈谈在很多游戏里
- that might fall to you in so many games.
- 一种任务极可能降临到你身上
- Go and get a certain amount of a certain little game-y item.
- 去寻找一定数量的某些游戏小玩意
- Let's say, for the sake of argument,
- 比方说,为了便于讨论
- my mission is to get 15 pies
- 我的任务是去找15个馅饼
- and I can get 15 pies by killing these cute, little monsters.
- 我可以得到15个馅饼就靠去杀掉这些可爱的小怪物
- Simple game quest.
- 很简单的游戏要求
- Now you can think about this, if you like,
- 现在你可以把这个当做,如果你愿意
- as a problem about boxes.
- 一个关于箱子的问题
- I've got to keep opening boxes.
- 我要一直打开箱子
- I don't know what's inside them until I open them.
- 在打开它们之前我并不知道里面有什么
- And I go around opening box after box until I've got 15 pies.
- 所以我四处走,打开一个又一个箱子,直到我得到15个饼
- Now, if you take a game like Warcraft,
- 现在,如果你玩像魔兽这类游戏
- you can think about it, if you like, as a great box-opening effort.
- 你可以把它当做,如果你愿意的话,一个庞大的开箱子工程
- The game's just trying to get people to open about a million boxes,
- 游戏只是尽可能地让人们打开成千上万的箱子
- getting better and better stuff in them.
- 从中获得越来越好的装备
- This sounds immensely boring
- 这听起来非常无聊
- but games are able to make this process incredibly compelling.
- 但游戏却有能力将这一过程变得异常地有吸引力
- And the way they do this
- 而他们做到这些的方法就是
- is through a combination of probability and data.
- 通过结合概率和数理统计
- Let's think about probability.
- 让我们先想想概率吧
- If we want to engage someone
- 如果我想让某人参与进
- in the process of opening boxes to try and find pies,
- 这个为了寻找馅饼去开箱子的过程中
- we want to make sure it's neither too easy,
- 我想要保证这一过程既不太简单
- nor too difficult, to find a pie.
- 也不会太难
- So what do you do? Well, you look at a million people
- 所以你会怎么做?好的,你看着一百万人
- no, 100 million people, 100 million box openers
- 不,一亿人,一亿个开箱者
- and you work out, if you make the pie rate about 25 percent
- 然后你计算,如果你使得到馅饼的几率成大约25%--
- that's neither too frustrating, nor too easy.
- 那就既不太让人丧气,又不会太简单
- It keeps people engaged.
- 它能使人持续参与
- But of course, that's not all you do -- there's 15 pies.
- 当然,这还不是全部, 这只是15个馅饼。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201511/410660.shtml