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- I thank you so much for the interpretation of my music
- 感谢你们对我的乐曲的演奏
- That was really touching
- 非常让人感动
- But, across the music of Geri Allen, and Thara Memory, Valerie Simpson's music
- 昨晚有婕莉·爱伦 他拉·麦莫里 瓦莱丽·辛普森的音乐
- which is superb, I must say
- 我不得不说 这非常棒
- Valerie Simpson was absolutely superb last night
- 瓦莱丽·辛普森的音乐昨晚真是太棒了
- But also just to hear the brass section that you have here
- 还有昨晚的铜管乐合奏
- hearing them last night from the audience, just down there
- 从下面那里的观众席听到
- was so powerful and so precise and so punchy
- 如此震撼 如此精确 如此有力
- and everything about what real good brass sections should be about
- 一切铜管乐应有的优秀品质都到位了
- Fantastic soloists there
- 还有美妙的独唱
- It was just moving, right across the whole of the evening's event
- 非常动人 整晚的活动都非常精彩
- and I must say that being here in a college
- 我不得不说 在这样一所学院中
- I have to sort of be perfectly honest with you all that I was sort of self-taught
- 我需要完全诚实 我都是自学的
- Not such a bad thing because I learnt from records
- 这并不是什么坏事 我从唱片中学习
- and trying to sort of interpret playing of what would be my guitar heroes from there
- 然后尝试在我的吉他上进行演奏
- Along the way I became a, I think you call it a side-man here, a session musician
- 过程中 我变成了一个伴奏乐手
- And I was going in there and I'd have the charts
- 我到这里面 我有一些和弦图
- I was head-hunted for this, actually, curiously enough
- 说来也奇怪 我被猎头相中了
- but I couldn't read music at that time
- 当时我还读不懂音乐
- But I could read the chord charts
- 不过我能读和弦图
- and the session musicians in those days
- 当时的伴奏乐手
- would play across quite a wide variety of music
- 需要演奏的音乐范畴非常广
- It wouldn't be, like, if you were a guitarist
- 不能说 你是一个吉他乐手
- you wouldn't just be the stylist in your own sort of field
- 你就只需要在自己专长的领域进行演奏
- I had quite a number of guitar techniques that I'd evolved over my teenage years
- 因此 我在十几岁的时候培养出了很多吉他技术
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201511/407366.shtml