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- The best scientific exploration sounded like a fairytale.
- 当时最好的科学理论就像是童话故事。
- My second grade teacher Mrs. McGonigle read it to us.
- 我的二年级老师麦戈尼格尔女士告诉我们。
- The dinosaurs had small brains. They were stupid.
- 恐龙的脑非常小 它们很愚蠢。
- So mice and bats beat up the dinosaur and took their food.
- 老鼠和蝙蝠打败了恐龙 抢走了它们的食物。
- But in my lifetime, everybody.
- 但在我一生的时间里。
- We discovered the meteor impact crater near Chicxulub New Mexico.
- 我们在新墨西哥希克苏鲁伯发现了巨大的陨石坑。
- The ejecta from that collision shot out over a diameter bigger than the earth itself.
- 碰撞产生的喷射物 直径要比地球本身还要大。
- It went halfway to the moon.
- 达到了地月距离的一半。
- It was like science fiction except that it was real.
- 听起来就像科幻小说 不过它是真实的。
- As a result of that discovery in last year's airburst over Chelyabinsk, Russia.
- 去年俄罗斯车里雅宾斯克上空的空中爆炸。
- And the very near miss of asteroid 2012 DA14.
- 以及小行星2012 DA14的擦肩而过。
- People were at last appreciating the astonishing threat of an asteroid impact.
- 让人们开始意识到小行星撞击的可怕威胁。
- You all are the first generation of.
- 你们将成为第一代。
- Engineers, scientists, educators and foreign-policy wonks.
- 工程师 科学家 教育者 外交政策制定者。
- Who can get humankind to do something about an incoming asteroid.
- 来让人类对可能的小行星撞击做点什么。
- It is the only preventable natural disaster.
- 这是唯一可以避免的自然灾害。
- What are you going to do? You're going to have a kinetic impactor.
- 怎么做呢 你可以发明一个动力撞击器。
- Like solar sail spacecraft.
- 或是太阳帆太空船。
- A swarm of rock vaporizing lasers in space.
- 可以发射让岩石蒸发的激光。
- It's going to have to be something someday.
- 某天 总会有这类东西。
- So we are counting on you.
- 我们需要指望你们。
- I'm claiming that there will be similar world changing discoveries.
- 我敢肯定 在你们这一生中。
- In the coming years in your life.
- 世界肯定会发生类似变革。
- For example recently we've come to know that.
- 例如最近 我们开始知道。
- The universe is bigger than anyone ever thought.
- 宇宙比以往任何人想象的都要大。
- it's getting bigger faster, its expansion is accelerating.
- 它还在越来越快地变大 膨胀正在加速。
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201510/406260.shtml