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- Our human population has risen significantly
- 这时 人类人口大幅增加了
- It went from one and three quarters to 2.3 billion just a couple of decades
- 仅仅二三十年时间 从17.5亿增加到了23亿
- As a boy at the New York Worlds Fair in 1965 I remember well a large display a tote board depicting the estimated world population of the world
- 1965年 我还是纽约世界博览会上观展的一个小男孩我还记得一件很大的展品一块动态揭示板上写有世界人口的估算值
- It was like the anticipation of watching the car's odometer change from 99,999 to 100,000 miles and I say change, I mean it rolls
- 就像是看到汽车的里程计数字从99,999增加到100,000英里这里数字变化是通过转动实现的
- It was a mechanism in there mileage indicators back then had moving part
- 这里有一个机制当时的里程计有能够活动的部件
- But unlike a record turntable, you couldn't really use them to make music
- 不过它同唱片转盘不同 你不能用它们来播放音乐
- For that, if you wanted music, you had to wait for vacuum tubes to warm up
- 如果你想要音乐 你需要等到真空管变热
- Older reference, it was and you're the younger listeners
- 老掉牙的笑话 是吧你们年轻听众听不懂
- While we were at the Worlds Fair the world's population changed from 2,999,999,999 people in the world to 3 billion 3 billion humans on earth
- 我们在世博会世界人口从2,999,999,999增长到30亿地球上有30亿人
- Around Halloween of your sophomore year we got to 7 billion, 7 billion people in the world
- 在你们大二那年的万圣节世界人口增加到了70亿
- Today, there are about 129 million humans born every year while about 53 million die every year
- 如今 每年有大约1.29亿人出生但却只有大约5300万人死亡
- That means there are about two more people on our planet with every passing second
- 这意味着每一秒中 地球上就大约会多两个人
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201510/402875.shtml