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  • It's got to be philanthropic, because profits distract biotech,
  • 这些研究的钱的来源最好是慈善,因为利润会分散生物技术研究公司的注意力,
  • but it's basically got a 90 percent chance, I think, of succeeding in this.
  • 但我认为它基本上有着百分之九十的机会成功。
  • And I think we know how to do it. And I'll stop there.
  • 因为我们已经知道应该怎么做。我就说到这里。
  • Thank you.
  • 谢谢您。
  • OK. I don't know if there's going to be any questions
  • 好。我不知道大家有没有问题,
  • but I thought I would give people the chance.
  • 但我想我会给他们机会。
  • Since you've been talking about aging and trying to defeat it,
  • 既然你在谈论老龄化,并试图战胜它,
  • why is it that you make yourself appear like an old man?
  • 那为什么你看上去就像一位老人呢?
  • Because I am an old man. I am actually 158.
  • 因为我是一个老人。其实我是已经是一百五十八岁。
  • Species on this planet have evolved with immune systems
  • 这个星球上的物种进化了免疫系统,
  • to fight off all the diseases so that individuals live long enough to procreate.
  • 以对抗各种的疾病,使个人活到足够生育的年龄。
  • However, as far as I know, all the species have evolved to actually die,
  • 不过,据我所知,所有的物种都进化到实际会死亡,
  • so when cells divide, the telomerase get shorter, and eventually species die.
  • 因此,当细胞分裂时,端粒酶变得越来越短了,最终物种死亡。
  • So, why does -- evolution has -- seems to have selected against immortality,
  • 那么,为什么进化过程似乎已选定‘针对’永存不朽?
  • when it is so advantageous, or is evolution just incomplete?
  • 或者那只是进化过程还不完整?
  • Brilliant. Thank you for asking a question
  • 好!谢谢你问一个我可以
  • that I can answer with an uncontroversial answer.
  • 用一个没有争议的答案来回答你。
  • I'm going to tell you the genuine mainstream answer to your question,
  • 我要告诉你主流思想的答案来回答你的问题,
  • which I happen to agree with,
  • 我也恰巧同意这个答案。
  • which is that, no, aging is not a product of selection, evolution;
  • 那就是,不,老化不是一个进化过程的后果,
  • is simply a product of evolutionary neglect.
  • 只是进化过程所忽视的后果。
  • In other words, we have aging because it's hard work not to have aging;
  • 换句话说,我们会老化,因为没有老化的话比较难;
  • you need more genetic pathways, more sophistication in your genes
  • 你需要更多的遗传途径,你的基因需要变得更复杂,
  • in order to age more slowly,
  • 以便让你老的比较慢些,
  • and that carries on being true the longer you push it out.
  • 而且你越想要把老化推迟,你就越需要面对这些难题。
  • So, to the extent that evolution doesn't matter,
  • 因此,到进化不重要的程度,
  • doesn't care whether genes are passed on by individuals,
  • 不在乎是个体,
  • living a long time or by procreation,
  • 或则生活的很长的一段时间,
  • there's a certain amount of modulation of that,
  • 或则靠生育种种方法来把基因传给下一代,有一定的调节,
  • which is why different species have different lifespans,
  • 这就是为什么不同物种有不同的寿命,
  • but that's why there are no immortal species.
  • 但是这就是为什么没有永存的物种。
  • The genes don't care but we do?
  • 这些基因并不关心,但我们关心?
  • That's right.
  • 是的。
  • Hello. I read somewhere that in the last 20 years,
  • 您好。我听说在过去的二十年中,
  • the average lifespan of basically anyone on the planet has grown by 10 years.
  • 基本上这个星球上的人的平均寿命增长了十年。
  • If I project that, that would make me think
  • 如果以这个资料推断,如果我没有在我的摩托车上发生任何事故,
  • that I would live until 120 if I don't crash on my motorbike.
  • 我将能够活到一百二十岁。
  • That means that I'm one of your subjects to become a 1,000-year-old?
  • 这意味着,我将会变成你所谓能够活到一千年研究课题之一?
  • If you lose a bit of weight.
  • 如果你瘦一点儿。
  • Your numbers are a bit out.
  • 你的数据有点出入。
  • The standard numbers are that lifespans
  • 标准的数字是,
  • have been growing at between one and two years per decade.
  • 寿命已经在每十年增长一至两年。
  • So, it's not quite as good as you might think, you might hope.
  • 因此,它不是你觉得或希望的那么好。
  • But I intend to move it up to one year per year as soon as possible.
  • 不过,我打算尽快将它快速发展到每年寿命多一年。
  • I was told that many of the brain cells we have as adults
  • 我被告知,许多我们成人的脑细胞,
  • are actually in the human embryo,
  • 实际上在胚胎里是就有了,
  • and that the brain cells last 80 years or so.
  • 而脑细胞能活八十年左右的时间。
  • If that is indeed true,
  • 如果事实的确如此,
  • biologically are there implications in the world of rejuvenation?
  • 在生理的角度看,对再生的世界会有什么影响?
  • If there are cells in my body that live all 80 years,
  • 如果在我身体的所有细胞,
  • as opposed to a typical, you know, couple of months?
  • 可以活到八十年,而不是一个典型的在两个月就死去的细胞?
  • There are technical implications certainly.
  • 当然,这是技术问题。
  • Basically what we need to do is replace cells
  • 基本上我们需要做的是取代大脑
  • in those few areas of the brain that lose cells at a respectable rate,
  • 的几个领域的细胞的流失率,
  • especially neurons, but we don't want to replace them
  • 尤其是神经元,但我们不想比
  • any faster than that -- or not much faster anyway,
  • 那流失率更快地取代任何细胞 –
  • because replacing them too fast would degrade cognitive function.
  • 因为更换地太快会降低认知功能。
  • What I said about there being no non-aging species earlier on
  • 我刚刚说的没有不老化物种
  • was a little bit of an oversimplification.
  • 是有点过于简单化。
  • There are species that have no aging -- Hydra for example --
  • 有些物种没有老化。例如水螅 –
  • but they do it by not having a nervous system --
  • 因为他们没有一个神经系统 –
  • and not having any tissues in fact that rely for their function
  • 也没有任何用于老化的的细胞
  • on very long-lived cells.
  • 却有长寿的细胞组织。



剑桥大学的研究员奥布里德格雷Aubrey de Grey认为,衰老只不过是一种疾病——一种可治愈的疾病。根据奥布里德格雷Aubrey de Grey,人类的衰老主要体现在7个方面,所有这一切都可以得以避免。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

genuine ['dʒenjuin]


adj. 真正的,真实的,真诚的

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

advantageous [.ædvən'teidʒəs]


adj. 有利的,有助的,有益的

neglect [ni'glekt]


vt. 忽视,疏忽,忽略
n. 疏忽,忽视

respectable [ri'spektəbl]


n. 品格高尚的人
adj. 值得尊重的,人格

eventually [i'ventjuəli]


adv. 终于,最后

evolution [.i:və'lu:ʃən]


n. 进化,发展,演变

intend [in'tend]


vt. 想要,计划,打算,意指

extent [iks'tent]


n. 广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,范围,程度





