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  • Five Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long
  • 五个让你整天都有生产力的早晨习惯
  • Most of us work long hours: 40, 50, or even 60 hours each week, but chances are we are only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day.
  • 我们大多数人工作时间长:每星期工作 40、50,甚至 60 个小时,但可能我们只在每天的一部分时间中产出高品质的成果。
  • There are five practical steps to incorporate into any morning routine to maintain productivity all day long.
  • 这有五个能加进任何早晨例行公事的实用步骤,好能一整天维持生产力。
  • One: Seven minutes of exercise.
  • 一:运动七分钟。
  • Seven minutes is short enough that it won't impact the rest of your morning, but long enough to shake off sluggishness.
  • 七分钟够短,不会影响到你接下来的早晨,但又长到足以甩掉懒散。
  • Two: Start your day out green.
  • 二:用蔬菜开始你的一天。
  • Healthy juicing is cheap and easy, and requires less time in the morning than toasting a bagel and slathering it with cream cheese,
  • 健康鲜榨果汁便宜又简单,比烤贝果然后涂上厚厚的奶油乳酪需要更少早晨时间,
  • and is much healthier for you.
  • 而且对你更健康。
  • Three: Pick three wins for the day.
  • 三:订出一天中的三项成就。
  • While you're waiting for that smoothie, decide on three priorities for the next 12 hours,
  • 在你等待那杯冰沙的同时,决定接下来 12 小时的三个优先事项,
  • and when accomplished, will feel like the day was a success.
  • 当达成时,会觉得那天好像是场胜利。
  • Not every day will be an epic win, but strategizing in this way will help move the ball forward.
  • 并非每天都会是场史诗般的胜利,但用这种方式做规划有助让事情进行。
  • Four: Turn to-do lists into time-bound, effective project lists.
  • 四:将待办清单变成有时限、有效的企划表。
  • For each of the big things on your list, block off the amount of time on your calendar, and then add 33 percent more time just to be sure.
  • 因应你清单上的每一件大事,隔出你日历上的时间,然后多加上百分之三十三的时间以防万一。
  • If a project is multi-day or has dependencies, break it up into digestible charts.
  • 如果一项企划需要花上很多天,或需要其他层面涉入,那就将它拆解成容易了解的图表。
  • This simple method will help hold you accountable, and help you refocus on the tasks you prioritized when you do get distracted.
  • 这个简单的方法会帮助让你值得信赖,并在你真的分心时帮助你重新专注在你列为优先的事务上。
  • Too often, we let one distraction steamroll an entire morning.
  • 太过时常,我们让一件分散注意力的事物毁了整个早晨。
  • Five: Power up after lunch.
  • 五:午餐后充电。
  • Take the 15 minutes right after lunch to refocus on the day.
  • 午餐后花十五分钟重新集中当天的注意力。
  • Get away from your computer, think about how the list you created in the morning is shaping up,
  • 离开你的电脑,想想你早上列的清单是怎样发展的,
  • and determine what you have on tap for the rest of the day.
  • 并判定剩下的一天中你有什么随时可做的事情。
  • You'll find that these 15 minutes help you identify what's causing distractions,
  • 你会发现这十五分钟帮助你找出是什么在造成分心,
  • and will help you discover a rhythm to be productive all day long.
  • 还会帮助你找出一整天都有生产力的做事节奏。


1. all day long 一整天
例句:Five Morning Rituals to Keep You Productive All Day Long

2. chances are 可能

例句:Most of us work long hours: 40, 50, or even 60 hours each week, but chances are we are only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day.
我们大多数人工作时间长:每星期工作 40、50,甚至 60 个小时,但可能我们只在每天的一部分时间中产出高品质的成果。

3. churn out 大量生产

例句:Most of us work long hours: 40, 50, or even 60 hours each week, but chances are we are only churning out high-quality work a portion of each day.
我们大多数人工作时间长:每星期工作 40、50,甚至 60 个小时,但可能我们只在每天的一部分时间中产出高品质的成果。

4. shake off 摆脱、抖落

例句:Seven minutes is short enough that it won't impact the rest of your morning, but long enough to shake off sluggishness.

5. decide on 考虑后决定

例句:While you're waiting for that smoothie, decide on three priorities for the next 12 hours...
在你等待那杯冰沙的同时,决定接下来 12 小时的三个优先事项...

6. on tap 即时可用的

例句:...think about how the list you created in the morning is shaping up, and determine what you have on tap for the rest of the day.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
accomplished [ə'kɔmpliʃt]


adj. 娴熟的,有造诣的,完成的,有成就的,毫无疑问的

portion ['pɔ:ʃən]


n. 部分,份,命运,分担的责任

impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

identify [ai'dentifai]


vt. 识别,认明,鉴定
vi. 认同,感同身

rhythm ['riðəm,'riθəm]


n. 节奏,韵律,格律,节拍

block [blɔk]


n. 街区,木块,石块
n. 阻塞(物), 障

effective [i'fektiv]


adj. 有效的,有影响的

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

digestible [dai'dʒestəbl]


adj. 易消化的,可吸收的,较易理解的

determine [di'tə:min]


v. 决定,决心,确定,测定





