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- Now, in addition of that we now know that it is scientifically true
- 此外 有一个铁的事实我们都已经知道了
- I spent three billion dollars of your money to finish the sequencing of human genome
- 就是我花了你们三十亿美元 用来完成人类基因测序
- Now all the people in the sciences will tell you what has happened for that, it's the best money we have spended
- 现在 所有科学界的人们都会告诉你因此发生了什么 那是我们花过最值得的一笔钱
- It has generated massive economic activity already given us the variances in the gene make the young women in high risk of breast cancer if they have them
- 它已经产生了巨大的经济效应 让我们了解了增加年轻女性 患乳腺癌风险的基因差异
- We've learned the patterns that make little children
- 我们也已经掌握了那些让小孩子
- susceptible to certain kinds of cancers and already medicines have been developed which have saved their lives, and we've just begun
- 容易患上某些癌症的机理 据此开发了新药物来挽救他们的生命 而我们这才刚刚开始
- But the most important thing for all of you is that when the genome was sequenced we learned that every, look around this crowed,
- 但对你们来说最重要的是 当基因序列被破解之后 我们发现 你们看一下周围
- every nonagerelated difference you can see, including race and gender, are all rooted in one half of 1% of your genome
- 任何你能发现的与年龄因素不相关的差异 包括种族与性别 都根源于你那0.5%的基因里面
- We're all 99.5% the same
- 我们有99.5%是相同的
- Now because of our abilitiy to do genetic history,
- 正因为拥有了通过遗传学探索历史的能力
- we found interesting relatives, you know, which have made for funny things, some of the people of Washington, politicians over the last 10 years found
- 我们发现了有意思的亲人 还闹出了有趣的事情 华盛顿的一些人 过去十年里的政客
- But the most important thing is we're all 99.5% the same
- 但最重要的是我们所有人的99.5%都是相同的