This whole thing comes down in the end to what do we think the future would be better if we face it with open hands or closed fists.
这一切说到底 都取决于 我们认为要以张开的双手还是握紧的双拳 来面对未来 才能让未来变得更好
One of the things that heartened me when President Obama asks Hillary to be secretary of State and she said yes
奥巴马总统请希拉里做国务卿的时候 她同意了 这件事让我感到鼓舞
And they developed this, not just a working relationship,
于是他们就发展了一段 不仅仅是工作关系
but this amazing friendship which I just watched with great interests is that they had fought this... Oh come on guys, get a life here
还是一种很棒的朋友关系 我一直饶有兴趣的观察着这对关系 他们一起奋战在 哦 拜托 伙计们 抓重点啊
When you're as old as I am, you'll be able to laugh about this stuff is that they fought this huge campaign tooth and nail, trench campaign down to the end,