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BBC纪录片《月球之谜》 >
- This transmission is coming to you approximately half way
- 我们现在差不多位于
- between the moon and the earth.
- 月球至地球的中途点
- Back on earth, people watched and waited and listened.
- 地球上的人们满心期待地收看任务实况
- And the astronauts didn't disappoint.
- 太空人也没让他们失望
- Hovering just above the moon's surface
- 他们贴着月球表面盘旋时
- their broadcast was from the book of Genesis.
- 放送了一段创世纪中的文字
- In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
- 起初,神创造天地
- And the earth was without form and void and darkness
- 地是空虚混沌
- was upon the face of the deep.
- 渊面黑暗
- And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters
- 神的灵运行在水面上
- and God said let there be light, and there was light.
- 神说,要有光,就有了光
- I don't know,it just caught the country,
- 这段话让国人有些措手不及
- it, by surprise, it was so moving and comforting
- 它如此动人和令人安慰
- and I think at that point we realised the importance of a space
- 我想我们在那一刻明白了
- mission for bringing self confidence to people.
- 登月任务的重要性在于让人们拥有自信
- On their fourth orbit around the moon,
- 太空人在第四度环绕月球时
- the astronauts saw something
- 看到了
- that had no human eyes had ever seen before.
- 从来没有人看过的情景
- It was the earth, rising out of the blackness of space.
- 他们看到的是自幽暗太空升起的地球
- The pictures they took changed the way we viewed our planet forever.
- 他们拍的照片永远地改变了我们对地球的看法
- We have connect, we have lift off.
- 我们升空了
- And then came the big one.
- 重大的一刻终于来了
- On July 16th 1969 Apollo 11 was launched.
- 1969年7月16日阿波罗11号升空
- Oh I remember watching it, it was like wow,
- 我还记得看实况转播时
- it was like watching science fiction come true.
- 觉得科幻情节似乎在眼前真实上演
- On its final descent to the moon's surface
- 但收看转播的观众不知道的
- unknown to the watching audience
- 是在下降至月球表面时
- a series of alarms went off inside the lunar module.
- 登月小艇里警报器突然响了
- NASA decided to over-ride them.
- 航太总署决定不管警报器
- The gamble paid off.
- 他们的豪赌有了回收
- Houston er,Tranquillity base here,
- 休士顿,这里是宁静海基地
- the Eagle has landed.
- 老鹰已经降落了
- I'm going to step off the ladder.
- 我走下梯子
- That's one small step for man,
- 这是我的一小步
- one giant leap for mankind.
- 是人类的一大步
- More than 600 million people watched the broadcast worldwide.
- 全球共有六亿多人收看实况转播
- The experience bonded the human race
- 这次登月经验
- in a way which had never happened before.
- 以前无古人后无来者的方式
- One of those rare occasions that brought
- 登月任务极其罕见地
- the whole nation and in a sense the whole world together
- 凝聚了全国,甚至全世界
- in a shared experience.
- 让大家共同分享这个经验
- Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin only walked
- 阿姆斯壮和艾德林的月球漫步
- on the moon for less than 3 hours.
- 不到三小时就结束了
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201504/372232.shtml