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听美文学英语 第75期:继续前行 Keep On Walking

编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Someone once said, love does not walk away, people do.
  • I will add, and they take love with them.
  • It is like taking it out of an old box, folding it carefully, packing into a bag and taking it away from you.
  • And you are left with nothing but pain, memories and a great feeling of a loss.
  • A loss of something big. Something important. Something meaningful.
  • Once it is gone, the world is not the same anymore.
  • You are not the same anymore.
  • And you find yourself thinking, retrospecting, and wondering……
  • And months will go before finally you will be able to look back and realize how much time you have wasted just sitting there,
  • sorting out the pieces of your heart according to the various degrees of pain you feel.
  • And months will go before finally you will be able to let go and you finally give another someone a chance.
  • But it will be months later. And for now, here you are, stuck in the past, wishing it was the present.
  • Months will go before you realize quite a number of things.
  • You will learn that people always turn out how they promised they wouldn't.
  • You will learn that forever does not really last forever and that feelings have their expiration date.
  • You will learn that people lie. You will learn that people leave.
  • But most of all you will learn that memories fade.
  • You will sit there thinking about time spent and promises made.
  • You will remember all the happy smiles and all the cheerful moments.
  • You will let the joys of the past put you into illusion of love and warmth.
  • You will feel the presence of your loved one when you close your eyes,
  • but when you reach for them, you will feel them slipping away.
  • You will feel your memories fade.
  • And you will keep wondering how come that something so strong made you this weak.
  • It will make you confused and lost. Lost to the world.
  • Lost to yourself. You will take time to get over it.
  • You will take time to adjust to a new reality.
  • And then a moment comes when you start to pretend that everything is alright.
  • Because people expect you to be.
  • And because when the whole world thinks that you are fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you are not.
  • And you will learn new things again.
  • You will learn that people mistake your strength for ability to hide the pain deep inside.
  • You will learn that no matter how much you wish they could be, things will never be the same.
  • And you will learn that no matter how good you are, it does not guarantee a happily-ever-after.
  • But it all does not matter. It all will not matter. You will wake up every day and keep on walking.
  • No matter how many pieces your heart consists of now,
  • you will hold them all together, as a whole.
  • And even if it is damn painful to let go,
  • even if it is the toughest thing in the world not to cry when it is the only thing you actually want to do,
  • even then you still keep on walking.
  • Even when you know the past can't become the present and surely can't turn into the future,
  • you still keep on walking.
  • Because you will also learn that after every storm there will come the sun.
  • Be it weeks, months or years, the sun will come.
  • Maybe not the way you expected it to be, but most probably the way it is meant to be.


本期文章:Keep On Walking
来源:网站 Colors of My Soul
1. 石进 - 夜的钢琴曲5(吉它版)
2. Yiruma - River Flows In You
3. 好妹妹乐队 - 春歌 (Demo)

春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪; 若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。 南宋禅宗黄龙慧开禅师这样写道,但在现实生活中,每个人都会遇到很多困难,在安慰朋友的时候,我们都会说:向前看,一切都会好的。殊不知,说起来容易,等事情真到自己头上的时候,一切又是那么难。当局者有时难免会软弱,真的要外界的一阵好风借力,哪怕只是对自己说一些早已明白的道理。如果你刚好遇到了很难过的坎儿,那今天这篇文章就是为你读的。希望那些阴霾的日子早日散去,希望你快快迎来阳光普照。

Keep On Walking- Lena Toporikova

Someone once said, love does not walk away, people do. I will add, and they take love with them. It is like taking it out of an old box, folding it carefully, packing into a bag and taking it away from you. And you are left with nothing but pain, memories and a great feeling of a loss. A loss of something big. Something important. Something meaningful. Once it is gone, the world is not the same anymore. You are not the same anymore.

继续前行 Keep On Walking4.jpg

And you find yourself thinking, retrospecting, and wondering……

And months will go before finally you will be able to look back and realize how much time you have wasted just sitting there, sorting out the pieces of your heart according to the various degrees of pain you feel.

And months will go before finally you will be able to let go and you finally give another someone a chance. But it will be months later. And for now, here you are, stuck in the past, wishing it was the present.

Months will go before you realize quite a number of things.

You will learn that people always turn out how they promised they wouldn't.

You will learn that forever does not really last forever and that feelings have their expiration date.

You will learn that people lie. You will learn that people leave.

But most of all you will learn that memories fade. You will sit there thinking about time spent and promises made. You will remember all the happy smiles and all the cheerful moments. You will let the joys of the past put you into illusion of love and warmth. You will feel the presence of your loved one when you close your eyes, but when you reach for them, you will feel them slipping away. You will feel your memories fade.
继续前行 Keep On Walking8.jpg

And you will keep wondering how come that something so strong made you this weak. It will make you confused and lost. Lost to the world. Lost to yourself. You will take time to get over it. You will take time to adjust to a new reality. And then a moment comes when you start to pretend that everything is alright. Because people expect you to be. And because when the whole world thinks that you are fine, sometimes you forget for a while that you are not.

And you will learn new things again.

You will learn that people mistake your strength for ability to hide the pain deep inside.

You will learn that no matter how much you wish they could be, things will never be the same.

And you will learn that no matter how good you are, it does not guarantee a happily-ever-after.

But it all does not matter. It all will not matter. You will wake up every day and keep on walking. No matter how many pieces your heart consists of now, you will hold them all together, as a whole.

And even if it is damn painful to let go, even if it is the toughest thing in the world not to cry when it is the only thing you actually want to do, even then you still keep on walking.

Even when you know the past can't become the present and surely can't turn into the future, you still keep on walking.
继续前行 Keep On Walking.png

Because you will also learn that after every storm there will come the sun. Be it weeks, months or years, the sun will come. Maybe not the way you expected it to be, but most probably the way it is meant to be.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
folding ['fəuldiŋ]


adj. 可折叠的 动词fold的现在分词

cheerful ['tʃiəfəl]


adj. 高兴的,快乐的

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

guarantee [.gærən'ti:]


n. 保证,保证书,担保,担保人,抵押品

illusion [i'lu:ʒən]


n. 幻觉,错觉,错误的信仰(或观念)

pretend [pri'tend]


v. 假装,装作
adj. 假装的





