Hi, I am expert communication trainer, Dan O'Connor. And this week I'm going to give you three magic phrases that you can use to instantly boost your confidence when you need to present an idea, make a request, and so much more. You know, many of us, when we walk into what we know is going to be, maybe a challenging communication situation, we lack confidence, because we simply do not have the tools. And this week, what I am going to give you are three magic phrases as I said, and these are going to be what we call "navigational phrases."
嗨,我是专业沟通训练师, Dan O'Connor。而这周我要带给你能用来快速提升自信的三句神奇短语,当你需要表达一个构想、提出一个要求、还有更多其他需求的时候。你知道,我们之中许多人,当我们走进一个我们知道会是怎样的场合,或许是个有挑战性的沟通情境时,我们缺乏自信,因为我们根本没有工具。因此本周,我要带给你们的就是刚刚说的三句神奇短语,而这些就是我们所谓的“引导式短语”。
Navigational phrases—you use when it seems as though your message might be going off track to help steer you back on track. We all know that some of us communicate with people who intentionally try to throw our message off track. And when that happens to you the next time, these three magic navigational phrases will be exactly what will get you out of that pickle. They are... Are you ready?

Magic phrase number one, "That may be but..." Repeat that, "That may be but..." Magic phrase number two, "I understand, however..." Repeat that, "I understand, however..." And magic phrase number three, "I see your point, and..." Repeat that, "I see your point, and..." The way we use this is we couple them with the broken record, and remember that the broken record is different from simply repeating yourself. That might be what some novice communicators do, but not a savvy, polished communicator such as yourself.
The broken record is I'm going to repeat the exact same word that I used a moment ago, because that sends a very clear signal to the person to whom you're speaking that you are a professional, polished, powerful communicator. And the way we would use these particular magic phrases is like this: for example, let's say that you talk to the scheduler at work, and you say to the scheduler... Now I'm saying scheduler rather than boss because I would wanna do a cost-benefit analysis before I might use any communication strategy with my boss.
“跳针”是我会重复和我前一刻用过的完全相同的字,因为那会向你正在交谈的人,传递出你是一个专业、文雅、有力的沟通者这样一种非常清楚的信号。而我们使用这些特定神奇短语的方法是像这样:例如,假使说你和工作上的人事管理专员对话,然后你跟专员说... 我现在讲的是专员、而非老板,因为在我可能对我的老板运用任何沟通策略前,我会想先做个利弊分析。

But let's say that I'm just speaking to the scheduler, and I say, " Hi, Susan, I'd like to request the last week in May off for personal business." And she would have said to me, "You just had a week off in January." Remember, use one of your navigational magic phrases. "That may be but I'd like to request the last week off in May for personal business." And she might say, "Asking a lot of time off these days, aren't you?" And I can simply respond, keeping my cool and confidence, by again using that magic navigational phrase, "That may be but I'd like to request the last week off in May for personal business."
And saying things like that three times in a row again sends a very clear message to the person that you are communicating with that, "Don't test me. I'm not one of your rude communicators. I am polished, professional, and prepared." So we can use this in a variety of circumstances. Let's say that you're presenting an idea, and somebody tries to throw you off track. Somebody throws a car in the wheels of your presentation, and says something like, "We tried that idea once already." Remember "that may be but" and then keep going with what you say.
The savvy, polished communicator is not easily knocked off message, and with those three magic phrases, you can navigate back on horse and stay on the message. So for more of these tips, remember to subscribe to this channel, check out powerdiversity.com, and write us at, write me at dan@powerdiversity.com with any questions you may have.
机智、文雅的沟通者不轻易被打断讯息,而借着那三句神奇短语,你可以引回主导位置且继续停留在主要讯息上。想了解更多这些秘诀,记得订阅这个频道、逛逛 powerdiversity.com、并写信给我们,写信给我到 dan@powerdiversity.com 询问任何你也许会有的问题。
If your organization could use any on-site training in customer service, eliminating negativity, professional communication skills, give us a call and we'll see what we can do for you. Keep tuning in and make sure to share this with your friends, I'll see you next week.
注一:此处 broken record 是“坏掉的唱片盘”,当要用坏掉的唱片盘播放音乐时,常会因为坏轨导致不断跳针,一直重复某一段歌词的状况。此处即是将这种不断重复的“跳针”现象运用到沟通技巧上。