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欧美创意广告(视频+文本+讲解)Facebook首席运营官桑德伯格新书《Lean In》畅谈男女平等

编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • I entered the workforce believing that my generation was going to have equal responsibility and equal opportunity.
  • 我进入职场,相信我这一代将会有平等的责任和平等的机会。
  • And it didn't work out that way.
  • 但不是那样运作的。
  • Women are getting more college degrees, more graduate degrees and turning to workforce at every level.
  • 女性正取得更多大学学历、更多研究所学历,并以各个阶级投入职场。
  • But in industry after industry, women are eighteen, fifteen, twenty percent of the top jobs.
  • 但在各行各业,女性在最棒的工作中仅佔了百分之十八、十五、二十。
  • Women are held back by many things. We're held back by bias, by lack of flexibility, by lack of opportunity.
  • 女性因为许多事情而受到阻挠。我们因为偏见、因为应变性的缺乏、因为机会的不足而受到阻挠。
  • We also hold ourselves back. We don't sit at the table; we don't raise our hands; we don't let our voices be loud enough.
  • 我们同样也阻挠了自己。我们没有“坐到桌前”;我们没有举起双手;我们没有让声音足够响亮。
  • I remember my first day at Facebook, driving to this new job and this hard job, and not being sure I could do it.
  • 我记得我在Facebook的第一天,开车去做这份新工作、这份艰难的工作,而且并不确定我能否做到。
  • I think about all the moments when I just didn't believe in myself: every test I was sure I was about to fail, every job I wasn't sure I could do.
  • 我想起当我就是不相信我自己的那些时刻:每场我确信即将要不及格的考试、每份我不确定能否胜任的工作。
  • But it's after watching so many women quietly lean back,
  • 但一直到看过那么多女性默默地退缩、
  • after watching myself quietly lean back and miss opportunities that I started to see the pattern and started to talk about it.
  • 一直到看到我自己默默地退缩并失去机会,我才开始看到那模式,并开始去谈论它。
  • Why does this matter? Boy, it matters a lot, because no one gets to the corner office by sitting on the side not at the table.
  • 为什么这很重要?天啊,这非常重要,因为没有人是坐在一边而不“坐到桌前”就能够进驻高级办公室(注一)的。
  • This book's for women of all ages: young girls who are thinking about what their futures might be,
  • 这本书是给所有年龄层的女性:思考她们的未来会是如何的年轻女孩、
  • people who might be out of the workforce thinking about coming back, or even someone who's a volunteer,
  • 可能不在职场上但想着要回去的人们,或甚至某些是志工,
  • and wants to lean in and take on more leadership, to encourage women to really believe in themselves and believe in their dreams,
  • 并想要挺身而进并承担更多领导责任的人,这本书要鼓励女性要确实相信她们自己,并相信她们的梦想,
  • and to help men do their part to form a more equal world by making sure that all of us have opportunities based on our passions and interests
  • 帮助男性尽他们本分来组成一个更平等的世界,透过确保我们所有人是基于我们的热情和兴趣来得到机会,
  • not just based on our gender.
  • 而不只是基于我们的性别。
  • Part of what I'm hoping Lean In will do is really start a conversation in every workplace, in every company,
  • 我希望《挺身而进》能做到的一部分是确实地在每个工作场地、每间公司、
  • in every school to start thinking about gender differently.
  • 每所学校开启对话,开始以不同方式思考性别。
  • I believe the world would be a better place if half of our companies and half our countries are run by women, and half of our homes are run by men.
  • 我相信如果我们的公司和我们的国家一半是由女性带领,而我们的家园一半是由男性领导时,这世界会变得更好。
  • This is about believing in yourself.
  • 这本书是关于相信你自己。




重点单词   查看全部解释    
bias ['baiəs]


n. 偏见,斜纹
vt. 使偏心

pattern ['pætən]


n. 图案,式样,典范,模式,型
v. 以图案

encourage [in'kʌridʒ]


vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

flexibility [.fleksə'biliti]


n. 灵活性,柔韧性,适应性

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

opportunity [.ɔpə'tju:niti]


n. 机会,时机





