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  • We are so proud of him, 'cause he's Chinese.
  • 我们为他倍感骄傲 因为他是中国人
  • It's a weekend dedicated to Lee's teaching
  • 这个周末致力于李小龙的教学
  • as top Jeet Kune Do experts perform demonstrations.
  • 截拳道顶级专家一展技艺
  • It's also a chance for Shannon and Linda to discuss
  • 也是李香凝和琳达讨论
  • how they are keeping the legacy alive
  • 如何让这些遗产鲜活的机会
  • with plans for the first Bruce soil in Seattle known as BLAM.
  • 她们计划在西雅图开辟第一块李小龙领地 叫作BLAM
  • That's the Bruce Lee action museum.
  • 这是李小龙博动作物馆
  • So she wanted it to represent movement and action and taking action
  • 所以她想让其能代表移动 动作以及行动
  • and make it also about community, research, philosophy, education, foundation, all of those different things.
  • 也与社群 研究 哲学 教育 基金等方方面面相关
  • It's July 20th, the day of Bruce Lee's death,
  • 7月20日 李小龙去世当天
  • and Linda, Shannon, and many of Bruce Lee's family and friends
  • 琳达 李香凝和他的家人朋友们
  • have gathered at his graveside to pay their respects.
  • 齐聚其墓前 缅怀他
  • This is Bruce's grave stone.
  • 这是李小龙的墓碑
  • In front of that is a book,
  • 前面有本书
  • and on the book, it says, "your inspiration continues to guide us toward our personal".
  • 书上说 "你的志向将继续引导我们走向自我解放"
  • It's the journey that's important.
  • 重要的是过程
  • It's not the destination.
  • 而非结果
  • Bruce Lee is also being remembered in other ways,
  • 李小龙还以其他方式被纪念
  • with statues being erected to him in China and Los Angeles
  • 继香港和波斯尼亚之后
  • to follow those unveiled in Hong Kong and Bosnia,
  • 他的雕像在中国和洛杉矶揭幕
  • where he was chosen as a symbol of the fight against ethnic divisions.
  • 他被选作抗议种族区分的象征
  • A spokesman said, "We will always be Muslims, Serbs, or Croats,
  • 一位发言人说 "我们是穆斯林 希伯来人或克罗地亚人
  • but one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."
  • 但唯一不变的是 我们都热爱李小龙"
  • It's been more than 35 years since the death of the man
  • 这位全世界一致尊崇的功夫电影之王
  • universally hailed as the king of martial arts movies;
  • 逝世已经超过35年
  • a man who changed the worlds of film, philosophy, physical fitness, music, and the arts;
  • 他改变了电影界 哲学 健美 音乐和艺术
  • a man who died aged 32 before seeing the impact he created;
  • 他还没见识自己的影响力 便在32岁英年早逝
  • a man who changed the world forever.
  • 他永远地改变了世界
  • His impact was so incredibly powerful.
  • 他的影响如此深远
  • I mean, you know, he just really hit popular culture in the Solar Plexus
  • 我是指 他用人类最强有力的右拳
  • with the biggest right hand a man could throw,
  • 激荡着流行文化
  • and I think we're still reeling from the blow.
  • 我想我们还在他的重拳中眩晕


We are so proud of him, 'cause he's Chinese.It's a weekend dedicated to Lee's teaching as top Jeet Kune Do experts perform demonstrations.。

我们为他倍感骄傲 因为他是中国人,这个周末致力于李小龙的教学,截拳道顶级专家一展技艺。

It's also a chance for Shannon and Linda to discuss how they are keeping the legacy alive with plans for the first Bruce soil in Seattle known as BLAM.

也是李香凝和琳达讨论如何让这些遗产鲜活的机会,她们计划在西雅图开辟第一块李小龙领地 叫作BLAM

That's the Bruce Lee action museum.


So she wanted it to represent movement and action and taking action and make it also about community, research, philosophy, education, foundation, all of those different things.

所以她想让其能代表移动 动作以及行动,也与社群 研究 哲学 教育 基金等方方面面相关。

It's July 20th, the day of Bruce Lee's death,and Linda, Shannon, and many of Bruce Lee's family and friends have gathered at his graveside to pay their respects.

7月20日 李小龙去世当天,琳达 李香凝和他的家人朋友们齐聚其墓前 缅怀他。

This is Bruce's grave stone.In front of that is a book,and on the book, it says, "your inspiration continues to guide us toward our personal".

这是李小龙的墓碑,前面有本书,书上说 "你的志向将继续引导我们走向自我解放"。

It's the journey that's important.It's not the destination.


Bruce Lee is also being remembered in other ways,with statues being erected to him in China and Los Angeles to follow those unveiled in Hong Kong and Bosnia,where he was chosen as a symbol of the fight against ethnic divisions.


A spokesman said, "We will always be Muslims, Serbs, or Croats,but one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."

一位发言人说 "我们是穆斯林 希伯来人或克罗地亚人,但唯一不变的是 我们都热爱李小龙"。

It's been more than 35 years since the death of the man universally hailed as the king of martial arts movies;


a man who changed the worlds of film, philosophy, physical fitness, music, and the arts;a man who died aged 32 before seeing the impact he created;a man who changed the world forever.His impact was so incredibly powerful.

他改变了电影界 哲学 健美 音乐和艺术,他还没见识自己的影响力 便在32岁英年早逝,他永远地改变了世界。他的影响如此深远。

I mean, you know, he just really hit popular culture in the Solar Plexus with the biggest right hand a man could throw,and I think we're still reeling from the blow.

我是指 他用人类最强有力的右拳,激荡着流行文化,我想我们还在他的重拳中眩晕。

重点单词   查看全部解释    
impact ['impækt,im'pækt]


n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力)

grave [greiv]


n. 坟墓,墓穴
adj. 严肃的,严重的,庄

movement ['mu:vmənt]


n. 活动,运动,移动,[音]乐章

community [kə'mju:niti]


n. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落

foundation [faun'deiʃən]


n. 基础,根据,建立
n. 粉底霜,基

fitness ['fitnis]


n. 适合度(生物学术语) n. 健康

symbol ['simbəl]


n. 符号,标志,象征

dedicated ['dedi.keitid]


adj. 专注的,献身的,专用的

legacy ['legəsi]


n. 祖先传下来之物,遗赠物
adj. [计算

destination [.desti'neiʃən]


n. 目的地,终点,景点





