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While a number of schools _1_ earlier -- they did prior to Labor Day, many have already run to a problem -- high heat across much of the nation. As temperatures rose into the 90s last week in the Midwest, a number of schools had to either find creative ways for kids to cool off or simply canceled classes. In a number of school systems they were under pressure to start early, but they do not have air conditioning in much of the building. Schools have moved towards the early start days because they need more time for teacher training and testing.
许多学校提已经前开学,他们在劳动节前一天开学,许多学校都遇到了问题,那就是席卷全美的高温 。上周,中西部地区的气温上升至90华氏度,一些学校或为学生提供降温的有效方法,或是直接取消课程 。在一些学校系统中,他们面临着压力所以选择提前开学,但是他们的大多数教学楼中并没有安装空调 。学校近来有提前开学的趋势,因为他们需要更多的时间进行教师培训和测试 。
Hispanics in the US continue to disperse throughout the nation. Members of the country's largest minority group are gradually moving into new states and cities. NPR's Ted Robbins has more.
美国的拉美裔继续分散在各处NPR新闻的泰德·罗宾斯将带来更多报道 。 。美国最大少数种族的成员正逐渐搬往新兴州和新兴城市 。
According to the Pew center's Hispanic Trends Project, Latinos _2_ away from traditionally Latino counties. Seventy-one percent of Latinos live in those counties compared with 78% two decades ago. Still even 71% is a large number in _3_ areas. Census data shows that half of all Latinos in the US still live in California,Texas and Florida. People of Mexican descent tend to live in the West and Southwest. Puerto Ricans and _4_ in the New York, New Jersey region, and Cuban Americans are concentrated in the Miami area. The largest growth area for Hispanics over the last decade has been in the nation's Southeast. Ted Robbins, NPR News.
据皮尤中心拉美裔趋势项目的调查,拉美裔逐渐搬离传统的拉美人口聚居县NPR新闻,泰德·罗宾斯报道 。 。现在有71%的拉美裔人口生活在这些县,而20年前人口比重为78% 。当然,在人口集中的地区71%也是个庞大的比重 。人口普查数据显示,在美国的所有拉美裔人口中有一半人仍然生活在加利福尼亚州、得克萨斯州和佛罗里达州 。墨西哥人往往选择生活在西部和西南部地区,波多黎各人和多米尼加人集中于纽约、新泽西地区,古巴裔美国人则多集中于迈阿密一带 。过去10年拉美裔人口增长最快的地区为美国的东南部地区 。
Quite an up-and-down summer movie season. Hollywood is winding up the final weekend of the summer with the record 4.7 billion dollars in box office revenues. The boy band concert will be One Direction: This is us, raking in an estimated 18 million dollars for Sony Pictures. But that was not enough to unseat the No.1 box office draw over the weekend. Lee Daniels' The Butler would shoot an estimated 20 million dollars. Both attendance and revenues were up from last year.
今年的暑期电影档极其起伏不定 。最后一个夏季周末结束后,好莱坞获得了创记录的47亿美元的票房收入 。男孩团体的演唱会电影《单向乐队:这就是我们》吸金约1800万美元,该片由索尼影业发行 。但是这并不足以撼动周末票房冠军的位置 。李·丹尼尔斯执导的《白宫管家》预计会席卷2000万美元的票房 。相比去年,今年的上映影片数和票房收入均有所上升 。
1. wind up
eg. The President is about to wind up his visit to Somalia.
总统即将结束对索马里的访问 。
eg. The Bank of England seems determined to wind up the company.
英格兰银行似乎决心要关闭这家公司 。
eg. Little did I know that I would actually wind up being on the staff.
我完全没有想到自己最后竟会在这里供职 。
2. rake in
eg. The privatisation allowed companies to rake in huge profits.
私有化使许多公司大赚了一笔 。
eg. Bull market makes many investors rake in much money.
股市多头让许多投资客大赚一笔 。