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编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Several years ago, I was standing at a bus stop when suddenly a couple emerged from a nearby alley, arguing loudly.
  • 几年前,我站在公交车站,突然有一对情侣从附近的巷子冒出来大声争吵。
  • More or less in unison, we at the bus stop all turned and looked them.
  • 在公交车站的人全都不约而同地转头看他们。
  • Then the man grabbed the woman by the shoulders and, yelling, began to shake her till she was about to fall to the ground.
  • 之后男子抓住女子的肩膀大声咆哮,并开始摇晃她,直到她几乎要跌倒在地。
  • I walked quickly to the couple and called out, "Please, sir, please stop doing that. You're hurting her."
  • 我迅速走向那对情侣,并大声说:“先生,请你住手。你伤到她了。”
  • The man did stop. His mouth agape, he stared me down and let go of the woman. Two things then occurred.
  • 那男子停手了。他目瞪口呆,用目光盯着我使我不敢与他对视,然后他放开了那个女人。之后发生了两件事情。
  • The group of strangers at the bus stop turned and looked away as if nothing had happened.
  • 公交站旁的人群转过脸去,看向别处,仿佛什么事情也没发生一样。
  • And, a moment later, the man and woman sauntered arm in arm back into the alley.
  • 过了一会儿,男子和女子手挽着手悠闲地走回了那条巷子。
  • It is not easy to discern when to hold back and when to get involved in a potentially sticky situation.
  • 面对一个可能很棘手的情况,要辨别何时该忍,何时又该介入并不容易。
  • When should we say "Enough is enough," and stick our noses into something that is not ours?
  • 我们该何时说出“够了”,然后介入到与自己无关的事情中去?
  • I can understand a person being afraid to get involved in someone else's problem because they fear first,
  • 我理解人们之所以害怕介入别人的事原因有三:第一,
  • physical danger, secondly, financial damage, and thirdly, general inconvenience.
  • 害怕身体上的危险;第二,担心财物损失;第三,怕惹麻烦。
  • I still feel I did the right thing that day. Would I do it again today? I hope so.
  • 我仍然觉得那天自己做了该做的事。要是在今天我还会这样做吗?我想是的。


Several years ago, I was standing at a bus stop when suddenly a couple emerged from a nearby alley, arguing loudly. More or less in unison, we at the bus stop all turned and looked them.

Then the man grabbed the woman by the shoulders and, yelling, began to shake her till she was about to fall to the ground.
I walked quickly to the couple and called out, "Please, sir, please stop doing that. You're hurting her."
The man did stop. His mouth agape, he stared me down and let go of the woman. Two things then occurred. The group of strangers at the bus stop turned and looked away as if nothing had happened. And, a moment later, the man and woman sauntered arm in arm back into the alley.
It is not easy to discern when to hold back and when to get involved in a potentially sticky situation. When should we say "Enough is enough," and stick our noses into something that is not ours? I can understand a person being afraid to get involved in someone else's problem because they fear first, physical danger, secondly, financial damage, and thirdly, general inconvenience.
I still feel I did the right thing that day. Would I do it again today? I hope so.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

discern [di'zə:n]


v. 辨别,看清楚

sticky ['stiki]


adj. 粘的,闷热的,困难的,令人不满意的

inconvenience [.inkən'vi:njəns]


n. 不便,困难
vt. 使 ... 不便,使

potentially [pə'tenʃəli]


adv. 潜在地





