Lesson2 Heads of State
In America , the President is 1 the States. He makes the most important decisions and chooses the members of his cabinet who will help him govern the country.
The President also represents the United States on official occasions. He receives ambassadors from other countries, gives parties for important visitors from abroad, and 2 in any national ceremony. Americans are always interested in the President's wife and children — the “first lady” and the “first family”. They expect their Presidents to have a good family life and 3 .
In Britain , the Queen is the head of State. She represents Britain (and the Commonwealth). She travels about the UK , meeting people, visiting schools and hospitals, and 4 . She and her husband, and other members of her family, also travel abroad as rather special ambassadors to other countries.
British people enjoy their “royals”. They like reading about them in newspapers, and seeing them on TV. To some they are like 5 , interesting just because they are famous.
Most people feel that the Queen is a symbol of Britain 's long history and national traditions.