30 years after Doctor Cur's fateful African trip, graduate students from the University of Miami are on a field trip exploring caves.
Moving ahead of the group, 24-year-old Inn-Saing Ooi climbs into a deep crevasse. He's not alone. As he sweeps his flashlight around the interior of the cave, he startles a huge hive of Killer Bees. And these guys don't like surprises. They quickly retaliate.
走在队伍前面,24岁的Inn-Saing Ooi爬进了一个深裂缝中。他不是一个人。当他用手电筒扫视洞穴内部时,他惊吓到,发现了一大群杀人蜂。这些杀人蜂不喜欢惊喜。他们很快会报复。
Stingers pierce his flesh, injecting venom into his bloodstream. As the bees try to fly away, their stingers are ripped from their abdomen. Defending the hive means certain death. But even without the bee, the stinger keeps pumping venom for as long as a minute. Inn-Saing Ooi quickly slides into a life-threatening condition known as anaphylactic shock. Like all victims, just how quickly depends on the dose of venom and his own sensitivity. Blood pressure plummets to a dangerously low level, his airways constrict. Inn-Saing Ooi's heart rate slows dramatically. In most cases, a shot of adrenalin will jump-start the heart, elevating his blood pressure, saving his life.
Saing Ooi很快就陷入了一种致命的过敏性休克。就像所有的受害者一样,毒液的剂量和他自己的敏感性决定了毒液的传播速度。血压骤降到危险的低水平,他的气道收缩。
Saing Ooi的心率急剧减慢。在大多数情况下,注射一剂肾上腺素会使心脏再次跳动,升高他的血压,挽救他的生命。

But in an extreme case like this one, there is simply too much toxin for his immune system to handle. Tissue and body functions break down. His kidneys fail.
Inn-Saing Ooi has nowhere to run, each sting sending out a chemical signal to the rest of the hive to keep up the assault.
Inn-Saing Ooi无处可逃,蜂蜜刺一次会向蜂巢的其他蜂蜜发出化学信号,以保持攻击。
The young student suffers cardiac arrest and dies. He was stung over 8 thousand times, nearly 8 times the number of stings required to kill a man his size. Tragedies like this have earned these creatures the nickname---- Killer Bees.
Despite its fearsome reputation, the killer bee is just a honeybee, a hard-working honeybee that produces some of the sweetest nectarin the world, but a honeybee that will sting its victim 10 times more frequently than its more docile cousin, and it will defend an area nearly 3 times as large. So just how do you tell these bees apart? It turns out you can't. They look almost exactly the same. Even the sting of the Africanized bee is virtually identical to an ordinary bee. It's just the number of Killer Bees who join the fight that makes their attacks so dangerous.