A newspaper has a complex hierarchy. The easiest way to show this is in the form of a chart.
At the top of the chart there are four major positions. These are the Executive Editor, who talks to the unions and deals with legal and financial questions. Then there is the actual Editor of the paper and his deputy. The Editor makes decisions about what goes into the paper. The deputy has close contact with the House of Commons and the political content. Finally there is the Managing Editor, who sees that everything runs smoothly. Below this there are three Assistant Editors and the heads of the five departments. Each of the three Assistant Editors has a different responsibility. For example, one is responsible for design. The five departments are City News, which deals with financial matters, then the Home, Foreign, Sports and Features. Features are the special sections including films, books and the Woman's page. So on the second level there are three Assistant Editors and the five Department Heads. Also on this level is the Night Editor. He looks after the paper, especially the front page, in the afternoon and evening, preparing material for publication the next morning. Below the second level there are the reporters and specialists, who write the reports and articles, and the sub-editors, who check and prepare the copy for the printer. There is also full secretarial back-up.
This lift is taking us to departures on the first floor.
We are now in departures. Arrivals and departures are carefully separated, as you have seen. Just to the left here we find a 24-hour banking service, and one of three skyshops on this floor—there are two in the departure lounge. And here, as you can see, you can buy newspapers, magazines, confectionery, souvenirs and books. If you will turn around now and look in front of you, you can see the seventy-two check-in desks, sixty-four of which are for British Airways. The airline desks, for enquiries, are next to the entrances on the far left and far right, and straight ahead is the entrance to the departure lounge and passport control. Shall we go airside?
We have now cleared passport control and security, and you can see that security is very tight indeed. You are about to enter a departure lounge which is a quarter of a mile in length. But don't worry. There are moving walkways the length of the building, so you don't have to put on your hiking boots.
Straight ahead of you is a painting by Brendan Neiland. As you can see it is a painting of Terminal 4 and it measures twenty feet by eight feet. On the other side of it are the airline information desks. Let's walk around to those. Now, if you face the windows you can see the duty-free shops. There is one on your left and one on your right. They have been decorated to a very high standard, to make you feel like you are shopping in London's most exclusive shops. The duty-free shops sell the usual things but they also have outlets for fine wines and quality cigars.
If we turn to the right and walk along in front of the duty-free shops, we will come to a buffet and bar opposite. You see, this one is called the Fourth Man Inn—all the bars, restaurants and cafeterias have names including the number four and many of them have jokey signboards like this one, to brighten up a traveller's day.
If we turn left out of here and go back along the concourse, we come to the plan-ahead insurance desk, on the far side of the first duty-free shop, with public telephones alongside. Notice that here we can see what is going on outside, through the windows. Opposite the insurance desk, next to the other duty-free shop, is the international telephone bureau. Let's just go across there. Across from this duty-free shop is an area just like the one we have just seen, with a buffet, bar and skyshops, and now let's go along the moving walkway to the gates, shall we?
Mary Jones: Excuse me. Excuse me.
Man: Yes, madam?
Mary Jones: Can you help me. Please, look, I'm desperate. Are you responsible for lost property?
Man: Yes, I am.
Mary Jones: Well, I've got something to report.
Man: What is it you've lost?
Mary Jones: I've lost my handbag.
Man: Your handbag?
Mary Jones: Well, it's terrible. I don't know what to do.
Man: Where did you lose your handbag, madam?
Mary Jones: On the train, on the train. Look, we've got to stop the train.
Man: Which train?
Mary Jones: I've just come off the tube, this last train, in from Paddington.
Man: Yes, the last train tonight. There isn't another one.
Mary Jones: On the circle line, on the circle line.
Man: Yes, yes.
Mary Jones: Oh, it's terrible. We haven't got much time, I mean I have got so many valuable things in that bag.
Man: Will you ... will you please explain ...
Mary Jones: I was asleep on the train. I must have dropped off. I woke up, almost missed my station, so I rushed off the train and then I realized my handbag was still on it.
Man: Yes?
Mary Jones: By that time the doors were shut and it was too late.
Man: So your handbag is still on the train.
Mary Jones; It's on the train travelling ...
Man: Yes. All right. All right, just a moment. Now, can I have your name and address?
Mary Jones: Well, look the thing I've got to tell you is that there's money in that handbag.
Man: Yes, we realize this, madam. We need your name and address first.
Mary Jones: OK. My name's Mary Jones.
Man: Mary Jones. Address?
Mary Jones: 16 ...
Man: 16 ...
Mary Jones: Craven Road.
Man: Craven Road. That's C-R-A-V-E-N?
Mary Jones: Yes.
Man: Now, can you tell me exactly what was in the handbag?
Mary Jones: Well, there was money ...
Man: How much?
Mary Jones: Nearly thirty pounds. I had my driving licence ...
Man: So, thirty pounds, driving licence, yes ...
Mary Jones: I had my keys, and I had the office keys, they'll kill me when I go to work tomorrow, and I'd just been to the travel agent, I had my ticket to Athens ...
Man: Just ... just one moment. House and office keys, ticket to Athens.
Mary Jones: Yes, hurry please. You've got to phone the next station...
Man: Yes, all right, just a moment. Anything else?
Mary Jones: I had my season ticket.
Man: Your season ticket for travelling on the tube.
Mary Jones: And a very expensive bottle of perfume, and ... and ... and I had a ...
Man: Yes, well, I'll get the guard to look in ... the train ...