When they reached the castle, the boys were shut up in a large room, where they were soon provided with a plentiful supper.
Having finished their meal, they were led to the great hall of the castle, where the robber chief sat in his chair of state,
a huge fire blazing upon the hearth, while suits of armor, glittering weapons, and trophies of many kinds were hung upon the walls.
The boys were now ordered to tell their story; and when Old Pluck had finished it, the chief addressed his captives in these words:
I am sure that you young fellows could never have imagined the pleasure you were going to give me when you decided to run away from school at this happy season.
My men and myself have a fancy for a Christmas like that of other people. We want a Christmas tree, Christmas carols and games,
and all that sort of festivity. We know nothing about these things ourselves, and were wondering how we could manage to have the kind of Christmas we want.
But now that we have you boys with us, it will all be simple and easy enough.
You shall celebrate Christmas for us in the manner in which you have always been accustomed.
We will provide you with everything that is necessary,
and we will have a good old school-
home Christmas.

You shall even hang up your stockings, and I will see to it that Santa Claus for the first time visits this castle.
And now, my fine fellows, to bed with you, and tomorrow we will all go to work to prepare for a good old- fashioned Christmas.
The boys were taken to a large upper room, where they found eleven mattresses spread out upon the floor.
They threw themselves upon their beds; but not one of them could close his eyes for thinking of the sad plight which they were in.
They had run away to get rid of the tiresome old Christmas doings, and now they were to go through all those very things just to please a band of robbers.
The thought of it was unbearable, and for an hour or two each boy rolled and moaned upon his mattress. At last Old Pluck spoke.
Boys, he said, “all is now quiet below, and I believe those rascally robbers have gone to bed.
Let us wait a little while longer, and then slip downstairs and run away. We can surely find some door or window which we can open;
and I, for one, am not willing to stay here and act the part of a Christmas slave for the pleasure of these bandits.