The stranger, pressing in among the crowd of lads, clapped his hand on Aladdin’s shoulder and said, “My good boy, are you not the son of Mustapha, the tailor?”
“Yes, sir,” said Aladdin, “but my father is dead.”
“Alas!” cried he. “What unhappy news! I am your father’s brother. I have been many years abroad; and now that I have come home in the hope of seeing him, you tell me he is dead!” And all the while tears ran down the stranger’s cheeks, and his bosom heaved with sighs. Then, pulling out a purse, he gave Aladdin two pieces of gold, saying, “Take this, my boy, to your mother. Tell her that I will come and see her tonight and sup with her.”
Pleased with the money, Aladdin ran home to his mother. “Mother,” said he, “have I an uncle?” His mother told him he had not; then Aladdin pulled out his gold and told her that a man who said he was his father’s brother was coming to sup with her that very evening. Full of wonder, the good woman set out for the market, where she bought provisions, and was busy preparing the supper when the magician knocked at the door. He entered, followed by a porter who brought all kinds of delicious fruits and sweetmeats for their dessert.
阿拉丁对这些钱很满意,于是跑回家找他的母亲。“妈妈,”他说,“我有叔叔吗?” 他母亲告诉他没有。然后阿拉丁掏出他的金子,告诉她有一个自称是他父亲的兄弟的人当天晚上要来和她一起吃饭。这个善良的女人充满了惊奇,出发去市场,在那里她买了食物,当魔术师敲门时,她正忙着准备晚餐。他走了进去,后面跟着一个搬运工,他把各种各样好吃的水果和糖果拿来当点心。