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美国小学英语教材6:第283课 漫游的尤利西斯(9)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • But the rock on the other side is lower, and there Charybdis thrice a day draws in the water,
  • 但另一边的石块比较矮,卡律布狄斯每天都会吸入两次水,
  • and thrice a day sends it forth again. Choose to pass near Scylla, for it is better to lose six of thy companions than that all should perish.
  • 之后再将水喷出,每天两次,选择越过斯库拉,牺牲六名同伴总比牺牲所有人要强。
  • Then thou wilt come to the island where feed the oxen of the Sun. Beware that thy companions harm them not.
  • 之后你将来到一座岛屿,那里喂养着太阳神的公牛,确保同伴们不要伤害它们。
  • Yet when thou comest to this island, if thou leavest the oxen unhurt, thou shalt return with thy comrades to Ithaca.
  • 当你来到这座岛屿时,如果你保证公牛不受伤害,你就可以和同伴回到伊萨卡。
  • But otherwise thy comrades shall perish, and thou shalt return after a long time, in a ship not thine own.
  • 否则你的同伴们将死去,你会在经历很长时间后回家,但会坐上一艘不属于你的船。
  • Thou shalt find in thy palace, devouring thy goods, men of violence, suitors of thy wife. These shalt thou slay.
  • 你会发现在自己的宫殿中,暴力分子,妻子的追求者在享受美食,你应该杀死这些人。
  • The next day they departed, and all happened exactly as Circe had foretold. At length they came to the island where fed the oxen of the Sun.
  • 第二天他们离开了,就像喀耳刻预言的一样,最终他们来到了喂养太阳神公牛的岛屿。
  • Ulysses said, Let us pass by this island, for here we shall find the greatest evil that we have yet suffered.
  • 尤利西斯说,让我们绕过这片岛屿,我们将在这里遇到从未有过的大恶魔。
  • But the men were weary of the sea and begged him to land even if only for a day.
  • 但同伴们对大海产生了疲倦,请求他登陆岛屿,哪怕只有一天。
  • You force me to land, said Ulysses. Yet promise me that you will not take any of the oxen, for if you do, great trouble will come to us.
  • 你迫使我登陆,尤利西斯说,但要向我承诺,不要拿走任何一只公牛,如果你这么做了,灾难将降临到我们头上。
  • So they promised. But for a whole month the south wind blew, and they could not depart.
  • 所以他们承诺了,但整整一个月,南风呼啸而过,他们没能离开。
  • When their meat and drink were gone, they caught fishes and birds, for they were pinched with hunger.
  • 当他们的肉和酒吃光后,他们捕食鱼和鸟,他们因为饥饿而苍白清瘦。
  • At last Ulysses, being weary, fell asleep, and while he slept, his companions took some of the oxen and slew them.
  • 最终尤利西斯疲倦了,睡了过去,在他熟睡时,他的同伴拿走了一只公牛,并杀死了它。
  • The Sun god was angry and called upon Zeus for vengeance.
  • 太阳神很生气,并要求宙斯实施报复。
  • Six days they feasted on the oxen, and on the seventh they set sail. But when they were out of sight of land,
  • 他们享用了六天的公牛,第七天他们出海了,但当他们看不到这座岛屿时,
  • Zeus brought up a great storm and the mast was broken. Then a thunderbolt struck the ship,
  • 宙斯引起了一场风暴,船桅折了,雷电击中了这艘船,
  • and all the men fell overboard and perished. But Ulysses lashed the keel to the mast,
  • 所有人都掉进了水里死了,但尤利西斯将龙骨绑在船桅上,
  • and on this he sat, borne by the winds across the sea.
  • 他坐在上面,靠着海上的风航行。


But the rock on the other side is lower, and there Charybdis thrice a day draws in the water,


and thrice a day sends it forth again. Choose to pass near Scylla, for it is better to lose six of thy companions than that all should perish.


Then thou wilt come to the island where feed the oxen of the Sun. Beware that thy companions harm them not.


Yet when thou comest to this island, if thou leavest the oxen unhurt, thou shalt return with thy comrades to Ithaca.


But otherwise thy comrades shall perish, and thou shalt return after a long time, in a ship not thine own.


Thou shalt find in thy palace, devouring thy goods, men of violence, suitors of thy wife. These shalt thou slay.


The next day they departed, and all happened exactly as Circe had foretold. At length they came to the island where fed the oxen of the Sun.


Ulysses said, Let us pass by this island, for here we shall find the greatest evil that we have yet suffered.


But the men were weary of the sea and begged him to land even if only for a day.


You force me to land, said Ulysses. Yet promise me that you will not take any of the oxen, for if you do, great trouble will come to us.



So they promised. But for a whole month the south wind blew, and they could not depart.


When their meat and drink were gone, they caught fishes and birds, for they were pinched with hunger.


At last Ulysses, being weary, fell asleep, and while he slept, his companions took some of the oxen and slew them.


The Sun god was angry and called upon Zeus for vengeance.


Six days they feasted on the oxen, and on the seventh they set sail. But when they were out of sight of land,


Zeus brought up a great storm and the mast was broken. Then a thunderbolt struck the ship,


and all the men fell overboard and perished. But Ulysses lashed the keel to the mast,


and on this he sat, borne by the winds across the sea.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
thunderbolt ['θʌndəbəult]


n. 霹雳;雷电;突发意外事件;大发雷霆

slew [slu:]


n. 沼地,极多,回转 n. 大量,许多 v. 使转,扭

perish ['periʃ]


vt. 毁减,死亡
vi. 毁灭

depart [di'pɑ:t]


vt. 离开
vi. 离开,死亡,脱轨

weary ['wiəri]


adj. 疲倦的,厌烦的
v. 疲倦,厌烦,生

violence ['vaiələns]


n. 暴力,猛烈,强暴,暴行

mast [mɑ:st]


n. 船桅,旗杆,天线杆 abbr. 磁性环形激波管(风

fell [fel]


n. 兽皮





