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美国小学英语教材6:第279课 漫游的尤利西斯(5)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • When morning came, the giant rolled away the stone from the door,
  • 当早上来临时,巨人移走了门前的石块,
  • but he sat in the opening and stretched out his hands to feel whether the men would try to go out with the sheep.
  • 但他坐在洞口,伸展双手,看看那些人是否试图和羊群一起出去。
  • Ulysses thanked Zeus that the giant had driven the rams into the cave with the sheep, for they were great and shaggy.
  • 尤利西斯感谢宙斯,因为巨人已经将公羊赶进了洞穴,公羊体庞大,毛皮更加蓬松。
  • During the night, Ulysses had taken a ram and fastened a man beneath it, and placed two sheep, one on either side.
  • 晚上,尤利西斯拿来一只公羊,将一名同伴捆绑在它的下面,将两只绵羊放在其左右。
  • So he did with the six men who remained of his company. There was one ram greater than all the others, and under this Ulysses clung,
  • 其它六名同伴也是如此,公羊群中有一只更加健壮,尤利西斯将自己捆绑在它的下面,
  • grasping the heavy fleece with both hands. As the rams rushed forth to pasture, the giant sat in the door and felt the back of each,
  • 用双手抓住它厚厚的羊毛,当公羊冲出去向牧场跑去时,巨人坐在门口,感受到了后背的羊群,
  • but did not think to feel what might be underneath. Last of all went the great ram. The giant knew him as he passed, and said,
  • 但却没有感受到下面会有什么,更加健壮的公羊最后一个出来,当它通过时巨人知道是这头样,并说道,
  • How is this that you are last, you who are the leader of the flock? I wish that you could speak and tell me where this wretch,
  • 你为什么是最后一个,你不是羊群的领袖吗?我希望你可以说话,可以告诉我那个坏蛋,
  • No Man, is hidden. So saying he let the ram pass out of the cave.
  • “没人”到底藏在哪里,一边说一边让公羊冲出洞穴。
  • When they were out of reach of the giant, Ulysses loosed his hold on the ram and unbound his comrades.
  • 当他们远离巨人时,尤利西斯慢慢松开了公羊,解开了其它同伴。
  • They hastened to their ship and to their anxious companions, who were glad indeed to see them.
  • 他们马上登上了船,并去找寻其它焦虑的同伴,他们很高兴看到他们。
  • Quickly they put out to sea, and when they were a hundred yards or so from shore, Ulysses stood up in the ship and shouted:
  • 他们马上出海远洋,当他们离岸边有100码左右的距离时,尤利西斯站在船上并大声叫嚷:
  • Hear, Polyphemus, if any ask who blinded you, say that it was the warrior Ulysses.
  • 听着波吕斐摩斯,如果有人问你是谁让你失明,你可以说是勇士尤利西斯。
  • The giant hurled a mighty rock where he heard the voice, almost crushing the ship; then he lifted up his hand and prayed:
  • 巨人向声音来源扔了一块巨石,差一点击碎了那艘船,之后他举高一只手并祈祷着:
  • Hear me, Poseidon, King of the Sea, if I am indeed thy son. May this Ulysses never reach his home!
  • 听着海神波赛顿,如果我真是你的儿子,那就祈求尤里斯希永远无法抵达他的家!
  • Or if it is so ordered that he shall reach it, may he come alone and find great trouble in his house.
  • 如果上天安排他将抵达家乡,那么愿他独自抵达,并发现自己家中有更大的麻烦。


When morning came, the giant rolled away the stone from the door,


but he sat in the opening and stretched out his hands to feel whether the men would try to go out with the sheep.


Ulysses thanked Zeus that the giant had driven the rams into the cave with the sheep, for they were great and shaggy.


During the night, Ulysses had taken a ram and fastened a man beneath it, and placed two sheep, one on either side.


So he did with the six men who remained of his company. There was one ram greater than all the others, and under this Ulysses clung,


grasping the heavy fleece with both hands. As the rams rushed forth to pasture, the giant sat in the door and felt the back of each,


but did not think to feel what might be underneath. Last of all went the great ram. The giant knew him as he passed, and said,


How is this that you are last, you who are the leader of the flock? I wish that you could speak and tell me where this wretch,


No Man, is hidden. So saying he let the ram pass out of the cave.



When they were out of reach of the giant, Ulysses loosed his hold on the ram and unbound his comrades.


They hastened to their ship and to their anxious companions, who were glad indeed to see them.


Quickly they put out to sea, and when they were a hundred yards or so from shore, Ulysses stood up in the ship and shouted:


Hear, Polyphemus, if any ask who blinded you, say that it was the warrior Ulysses.


The giant hurled a mighty rock where he heard the voice, almost crushing the ship; then he lifted up his hand and prayed:


Hear me, Poseidon, King of the Sea, if I am indeed thy son. May this Ulysses never reach his home!


Or if it is so ordered that he shall reach it, may he come alone and find great trouble in his house.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
flock [flɔk]


n. 一群(人,兽),大堆
v. 成群而行,聚

mighty ['maiti]


adj. 强有力的,强大的,巨大的

pasture ['pɑ:stʃə]


n. 牧场,草原
vi. 吃草

grasping ['grɑ:spiŋ]


adj. 贪心的,贪婪的 adj. 抓的,紧紧抓住的 动

warrior ['wɔ:riə]


n. 勇士,战士,武士





