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美国小学英语教材6:第245课 罗宾汉和他的伙伴(2)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • This was the sort of England into which the famous Robin Hood was born. We know very little about him,
  • 这就是罗宾汉出生的英格兰,我们对他知之甚少,
  • except that the King had declared him an outlaw, so that any man might kill him and never be punished for it.
  • 除了知道国王宣布他是逃犯,所以任何人都可以杀死他,而且不会受到惩罚。
  • But, outlaw or not, the poor people loved Robin Hood and looked on him as their friend.
  • 但不管是不是逃犯,穷人喜欢罗宾汉,把他看做是朋友。
  • Many a gay young fellow came to join him, and led a merry life in Sherwood Forest, with moss and fern for bed,
  • 许多年轻快乐的伙伴加入了他的队伍,舍伍德森林的生活欢快了起来,苔藓和蕨类植物就是他们的床,
  • and for meat the deer that belonged to the King. Peasants of all sorts, tillers of the land, yeomen,
  • 肉类和鹿属于国王,各类农民,田地耕作者,自耕农
  • and knights went on their ways freely, for Robin did them no harm.
  • 和骑士都感到很自在,因为罗宾汉不会伤害他们。
  • But rich men with money-bags well filled trembled as they drew near to Sherwood Forest.
  • 但当钱包鼓鼓的富人走进舍伍德森林时,他们开始颤抖了。
  • Who knew whether behind every tree there did not lurk Robin Hood or some of his men?
  • 谁也不知道每棵树后面是否藏了罗宾汉或是他的伙伴?
  • Two: One day Robin, walking alone in the wood, reached a river which was spanned by a bridge so narrow that only one man could pass.
  • 第二部分,一天罗宾汉在森林中独自行走,看到一条河流,河流上有一条窄桥,只能容一人通行。
  • In the middle stood a stranger, and Robin commanded him to go back and let him cross.
  • 桥中间站了一个陌生人,罗宾汉要求他回来,让他过去。
  • I am no man of yours, was all the answer he got. In anger Robin drew his bow and fitted an arrow to it.
  • 我不是你的同伴,这是他得到的所有答案,罗宾汉很生气,拉起了弓,并装上了箭。
  • Would you shoot a man who has no weapon but a staff? asked the stranger;
  • 陌生人问道,你要射杀一个手无寸铁,只拿了一个棍子的人吗?
  • and with shame Robin laid down his bow and unbuckled an oaken stick at his side.
  • 罗宾汉羞愧地放下了弓,松开了橡木棍。
  • We will fight till one of us falls into the water, he said; and fight they did,
  • 他说我们要把一个人推到河里才算完,他们发生了争斗,
  • till the stranger planted a blow so well that Robin rolled over into the river.
  • 陌生人的这一拳让罗宾汉滚到了河里。
  • You are a brave soul, said Robin, when he had waded to land;
  • 罗宾汉说你是个勇敢的人,一边说一边淌着水出来;
  • and he blew a blast with his horn which brought fifty good fellows, clothed in green, to the little bridge.
  • 他吹了一声号角,五十名伙伴来到窄桥,他们都穿着绿色衣服。
  • Have you fallen into the river, that your clothes are wet? asked one; and Robin made answer,
  • 有人问道你是掉进河里,然后衣服试了吗?罗宾汉回答到,
  • No, but this stranger got the better of me and tumbled me into the stream.
  • 不是,是这个陌生人战胜了我,把我推下了河。
  • At this the foresters seized the stranger and would have ducked him had not their leader commanded them to stop
  • 这些人随即逮捕了陌生人,若不是罗宾汉让他们住手,他们一定将他推下水。
  • and begged the stranger to stay and become one of their band. Here is my hand, replied the stranger, and my heart with it.
  • 并恳求陌生人留下来,加入他们的队伍,陌生人回答道,我的手和心是连在一起的。
  • My name, if you would know it, is John Little.
  • 如果你想知道,我的名字是约翰·里多。


This was the sort of England into which the famous Robin Hood was born. We know very little about him,

except that the King had declared him an outlaw, so that any man might kill him and never be punished for it.
But, outlaw or not, the poor people loved Robin Hood and looked on him as their friend.
Many a gay young fellow came to join him, and led a merry life in Sherwood Forest, with moss and fern for bed,
and for meat the deer that belonged to the King. Peasants of all sorts, tillers of the land, yeomen,
and knights went on their ways freely, for Robin did them no harm.
But rich men with money-bags well filled trembled as they drew near to Sherwood Forest.
Who knew whether behind every tree there did not lurk Robin Hood or some of his men?
Two: One day Robin, walking alone in the wood, reached a river which was spanned by a bridge so narrow that only one man could pass.


In the middle stood a stranger, and Robin commanded him to go back and let him cross.

I am no man of yours, was all the answer he got. In anger Robin drew his bow and fitted an arrow to it.
Would you shoot a man who has no weapon but a staff? asked the stranger;
and with shame Robin laid down his bow and unbuckled an oaken stick at his side.
We will fight till one of us falls into the water, he said; and fight they did,
till the stranger planted a blow so well that Robin rolled over into the river.
You are a brave soul, said Robin, when he had waded to land;
and he blew a blast with his horn which brought fifty good fellows, clothed in green, to the little bridge.
Have you fallen into the river, that your clothes are wet? asked one; and Robin made answer,
No, but this stranger got the better of me and tumbled me into the stream.
At this the foresters seized the stranger and would have ducked him had not their leader commanded them to stop
and begged the stranger to stay and become one of their band. Here is my hand, replied the stranger, and my heart with it.
My name, if you would know it, is John Little.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stream [stri:m]


n. (人,车,气)流,水流,组
v. 流动,

lurk [lə:k]


n. 潜伏,潜行 v. 潜藏,潜伏,埋伏

outlaw ['autlɔ:]


n. 被剥夺法律保护的人,罪犯 v. 使 ... 失去法

bow [bau]


n. 弓
n. 鞠躬,蝴蝶结,船头

horn [hɔ:n]


n. 动物角,喇叭,触角,角状物,力量源泉

stick [stik]


n. 枝,杆,手杖
vt. 插于,刺入,竖起<

band [bænd]


n. 带,箍,波段
n. 队,一群,乐队

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

fern [fə:n]


n. 羊齿植物,蕨





