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英国语文第六册(MP3+中英字幕) 第11期:科鲁那战役和摩尔将军的牺牲(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Being brought to his lodging, the surgeons examined his wound;
  • 将军被带到营地,外科医生检查了他的伤口;
  • but there was no hope.
  • 但是没有希望。
  • The pain increased, and he spoke with great difficulty.
  • 疼痛加剧了,他说话很吃力。
  • At intervals he asked if the French were beaten;
  • 他不时问法国人是否被打败了;
  • and addressing his old friend, Colonel Anderson, he said, "You know that I always wished to die this way."
  • 他对他的老朋友安德森上校说:“你知道我一直希望这样死去。
  • Again he asked if the enemy were defeated;
  • ”他又问敌人是否被打败了;
  • and, being told that they were, observed, "It is a great satisfaction to me to know that we have beaten the French."
  • 当被告知发现了胜利时,高兴道,“得知我们打败了法国人,我感到非常满意。”
  • His countenance continued firm and his thoughts clear.
  • 他的面容依然坚定,思路依然清晰。
  • Once only, when he spoke of his mother, he became agitated;
  • 只有一次,当他谈到他的母亲时,他变得激动起来;
  • but he often inquired after the safety of his friends and the officers of his staff;
  • 但是他经常问候朋友和参谋人员的安危;
  • and he did not, even in that moment, forget to recommend those whose merit had given them claims to promotion.
  • 即使在那个时候,他也没有忘记推荐那些有才能的人获得晋升。
  • His strength failed fast, and life was nearly extinct, when, with an almost unsubdued spirit, he exclaimed,
  • 他的力量迅速衰退,生命几乎断绝,他几乎用尽不屈意志喊道,
  • "I hope the people of England will be satisfied! I hope my country will do me justice!"
  • “我希望英国人民会满意!我希望我的国家能公正对待我!”几分钟后他死了;
  • A few minutes afterwards he died; and his corpse, wrapped in a military cloak, was interred by the officers of his staff in the citadel of Coruna.
  • 他的尸体裹着一件军用斗篷,被他的参谋人员埋葬在科鲁纳要塞。
  • The guns of the enemy paid his funeral honours;
  • 敌人的枪炮为他送葬;
  • and Soult, with a noble feeling of respect for his valour, raised a monument to his memory.
  • 苏尔特怀着对他英勇无畏的崇高敬意,为他树立了一座纪念碑。
  • Thus ended the career of Sir John Moore,
  • 这就是约翰·摩尔爵士的一生。
  • a man whose uncommon capacity was sustained by the purest virtue, and governed by a disinterested patriotism, more in keeping with the primitive than with the luxurious age of a great nation.
  • 他超凡的才能是由最纯粹的美德支撑的,是由无私的爱国主义所支配的,这种爱国主义更符合一个伟大国家的原始时代,而非奢华时代。
  • He maintained the right with a vehemence bordering upon fierceness;
  • 他以近乎凶猛的气势维护着自己的权利;
  • and every important transaction in which he was engaged increased his reputation for talent, and confirmed his character as a stern enemy to vice, a steadfast friend to merit—a just and faithful servant of his country.
  • 他所从事的每一项重要事务都增加了他在才能方面的声誉,也证实了他是邪恶的死敌,是值得信赖的朋友——是他的国家公正和忠实的公仆。
  • —Sir W.Napier
  • W.纳皮尔阁下


Being brought to his lodging, the surgeons examined his wound; but there was no hope. The pain increased, and he spoke with great difficulty. At intervals he asked if the French were beaten; and addressing his old friend, Colonel Anderson, he said, "You know that I always wished to die this way." Again he asked if the enemy were defeated; and, being told that they were, observed, "It is a great satisfaction to me to know that we have beaten the French." His countenance continued firm and his thoughts clear. Once only, when he spoke of his mother, he became agitated; but he often inquired after the safety of his friends and the officers of his staff; and he did not, even in that moment, forget to recommend those whose merit had given them claims to promotion.



His strength failed fast, and life was nearly extinct, when, with an almost unsubdued spirit, he exclaimed, "I hope the people of England will be satisfied! I hope my country will do me justice!" A few minutes afterwards he died; and his corpse, wrapped in a military cloak, was interred by the officers of his staff in the citadel of Coruna. The guns of the enemy paid his funeral honours; and Soult, with a noble feeling of respect for his valour, raised a monument to his memory.

Thus ended the career of Sir John Moore, a man whose uncommon capacity was sustained by the purest virtue, and governed by a disinterested patriotism, more in keeping with the primitive than with the luxurious age of a great nation. He maintained the right with a vehemence bordering upon fierceness; and every important transaction in which he was engaged increased his reputation for talent, and confirmed his character as a stern enemy to vice, a steadfast friend to merit—a just and faithful servant of his country.
—Sir W. Napier

重点单词   查看全部解释    
transaction [træn'zækʃən]


n. 交易,处理,办理,事务

faithful ['feiθfəl]


adj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

minutes ['minits]


n. 会议记录,(复数)分钟

vehemence ['vi:iməns]


n. 热烈;激烈

uncommon [ʌn'kɔmən]


adj. 不寻常的,不凡的,罕有的

military ['militəri]


adj. 军事的
n. 军队

extinct [iks'tiŋkt]


adj. 灭绝的,熄灭的,耗尽的

satisfaction [.sætis'fækʃən]


n. 赔偿,满意,妥善处理,乐事,确信

recommend [.rekə'mend]


vt. 建议,推荐,劝告
vt. 使成为可取,





