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美国小学英语教材5:第209课 内容回顾

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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  • Now read again the pledge of the Athenian boys.
  • 现在再读一遍雅典男孩的誓言。
  • In what ways did the boys and girls in these stories live up to that pledge?
  • 这些故事中的男孩和女孩在哪些方面实现了这一承诺?
  • Who would not desert his comrade?
  • 谁不抛弃他的同伴呢?
  • Who was loyal and true?
  • 谁是忠诚和真实的?
  • Who was faithful to his duty?
  • 谁忠于职守?
  • Who taught someone else to be careful?
  • 谁教别人要小心?
  • You have probably been told many times that you should be loyal and brave, but have you ever stopped to think what loyalty and bravery are?
  • 你可能已经被告知许多次,你应该忠诚和勇敢,但你有没有停下来想一想什么是忠诚和勇敢?
  • Does loyalty mean unselfishness, too?
  • 忠诚也意味着无私吗?
  • Try to think of a way in which a person would have to be unselfish in order to be loyal.
  • 试着想想一个人为了忠诚而必须无私的方式。
  • Does bravery mean not being afraid, or does it mean something more than that?
  • 勇敢意味着不害怕,还是意味着更多?
  • Are there other kinds of bravery than daring to do something that may injure or kill you?
  • 除了敢于做可能伤害或杀死你的事情之外,还有什么其他的勇气吗?
  • Perhaps you can answer this by telling how Josie was brave.
  • 也许你可以用乔西的勇敢来回答这个问题。
  • It may be that you have never thought of yourself as a real citizen of the United States.
  • 也许你从来没有想过自己是一个真正的美国公民。
  • You may have thought that you had to wait until you were grown up before you could be a citizen.
  • 你可能认为你必须等到长大了才能成为一名公民。
  • But that is not true.
  • 但事实并非如此。
  • You are a citizen just as much as your father and mother.
  • 你是一个公民,就像你的父母一样。
  • Learning your lessons at school, playing games hard and fairly, doing the little jobs around the home faithfully and cheerfully,
  • 在学校里学习功课,公平努力地玩游戏,忠实而愉快地做家务,
  • you are doing your part in making your home and your country a better and more beautiful place in which to live.
  • 你正在为使你的家和你的国家成为一个更美好、更美丽的居住地尽自己的一份力量。



Now read again the pledge of the Athenian boys. In what ways did the boys and girls in these stories live up to that pledge? Who would not desert his comrade? Who was loyal and true? Who was faithful to his duty? Who taught someone else to be careful?
You have probably been told many times that you should be loyal and brave, but have you ever stopped to think what loyalty and bravery are? Does loyalty mean unselfishness, too? Try to think of a way in which a person would have to be unselfish in order to be loyal. Does bravery mean not being afraid, or does it mean something more than that? Are there other kinds of bravery than daring to do something that may injure or kill you? Perhaps you can answer this by telling how Josie was brave.


It may be that you have never thought of yourself as a real citizen of the United States. You may have thought that you had to wait until you were grown up before you could be a citizen. But that is not true. You are a citizen just as much as your father and mother. Learning your lessons at school, playing games hard and fairly, doing the little jobs around the home faithfully and cheerfully, you are doing your part in making your home and your country a better and more beautiful place in which to live.

Did you read any of the stories that are named at the ends of the stories in this part? Did you find any names to add to your honor roll of Good Citizens? You may want to go on and read some more stories of boys and girls at work and at play. Your book list on page 433 will help you to find such stories.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
loyalty ['lɔiəlti]


n. 忠诚,忠心

unselfish ['ʌn'selfiʃ]


adj. 无私的

bravery ['breivəri]


n. 勇敢

faithful ['feiθfəl]


adj. 如实的,忠诚的,忠实的

pledge [pledʒ]


n. 保证,誓言,抵押,抵押品
vt. 保证,





