“Aw, Mother,” Joe, who was very fond of his sister, would reply, “I like to play with Josie, and the kids like her. But you know. Mother, when there’s a whole field of boys and not another girl, it makes a fellow feel funny if the girl’s his sister. Sometimes the fellows say things.”
“I think Joe is right, Josie, and you must come home if the whole ball team is playing. When there are only two or three of Joe’s friends, you may play with them if they want you.”
Josie’s face grew very red, and her curls seemed to bristle like an angry pup’s fur.
“I will make a ball team of my own,” she said. But, alas, for Josie! So many little girls preferred hopscotch and jacks, paper dolls and tag, that she could not form a team. Nevertheless, she managed to find a great many chances to play ball. She found several girls who would play at times, if she bribed them with “suckers” and peanuts. She persuaded Father and Mother to pitch for her, and many an evening she and Joe’s friends spent playing in the vacant lot across the street. She became a fair pitcher, and she was surely a strong batter.
“Watch out for Josie when she bats,” the boys would laugh. “You may have to run all the way to China to find the ball.”