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美国小学英语教材5:第165课 为朋友而勇敢(6)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • "A little snow won't hurt us," said Bill, "and we can ski down in no time at all.
  • “一点雪不会伤到我们的,”比尔说,“我们很快就能滑下来。
  • Let's not go back just yet."
  • 我们先别回去。”
  • Presently they started on again.
  • 不久,他们又出发了。
  • It seemed to Paul wiser to turn back at once, but he was afraid to suggest I it again lest Bill think him a quitter.
  • 在保罗看来,立刻转身回去似乎更明智些,但他不敢再向我提出这样的建议,以免比尔认为他是一个退缩者。
  • A little later, still mounting the narrow, winding trail, they came upon a I deserted log hut, with a sagging half-open door;
  • 过了一会儿,他们仍然沿着那条狭窄蜿蜒的小径往上走,来到一间我遗弃的小木屋前。
  • but the two boys did not stop to investigate it.
  • 但两个男孩并没有停下来去看。
  • Every now and then during the next half mile, little gusts of stinging snowflakes whirled down from the sky, beat against their faces, and scurried on.
  • 在接下来的半英里里,一阵阵刺人的小雪阵不时地从天空中呼啸而下,拍打着他们的脸,疾驰而去。
  • Paul's nervousness increased, but Bill merely laughed, saying that the trip home would be all the more interesting for a little snow.
  • 保罗更加紧张了,但比尔只是笑了笑,说如果下点儿雪,回家的路会更有趣。
  • The words were scarcely spoken, when from the distance there came a curious wailing of the wind, rising swiftly to a dull, threatening roar.
  • 话还没说完,就从远处传来一阵奇怪的呼啸,很快就变成了沉闷而可怕的怒吼。
  • Startled, both boys stopped abruptly and stared up the slope.
  • 两个男孩都吓了一跳,突然停了下来,朝坡上望去。
  • As they did so, something like a white curtain surged over the crest of the hill and swept rapidly toward them.
  • 就在他们这么做的时候,一个白色的帘子似的东西从山顶上冒了出来,迅速地向他们冲来。
  • Almost before they could draw a breath, it was upon them, a dense, blinding mass of snow, which whirled about them and blotted out the landscape in a flash.
  • 他们几乎还没来得及喘口气,就被一团浓密的、令人眼花缭乱的雪覆盖住了,雪在他们周围旋转,顷刻间把周围的景色都遮住了。
  • "Wow!" gasped Bill.
  • “喔!”比尔气喘吁吁地说。
  • "Some speed to that! We had better hurry home while there is still time."
  • “快点!我们最好趁还有时间赶快回家。”


A little snow wont hurt us,” said Bill, “and we can ski down in no time at all. Lets not go back just yet.”

Presently they started on again. It seemed to Paul wiser to turn back at once, but he was afraid to suggest I it again lest Bill think him a quitter. A little later, still mounting the narrow, winding trail, they came upon a I deserted log hut, with a sagging half-open door; but the two boys did not stop to investigate it. Every now and then during the next half mile, little gusts of stinging snowflakes whirled down from the sky, beat against their faces, and scurried on. Pauls nervousness increased, but Bill merely laughed, saying that the trip home would be all the more interesting for a little snow.
The words were scarcely spoken, when from the distance there came a curious wailing of the wind, rising swiftly to a dull, threatening roar. Startled, both boys stopped abruptly and stared up the slope. As they did so, something like a white curtain surged over the crest of the hill and swept rapidly toward them. Almost before they could draw a breath, it was upon them, a dense, blinding mass of snow, which whirled about them and blotted out the landscape in a flash.
Wow!” gasped Bill. “Some speed to that! We had better hurry home while there is still time.”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
curtain ['kə:tən]


n. 窗帘,门帘,幕(布)
vt. (用帘)装

mass [mæs]


n. 块,大量,众多
adj. 群众的,大规模

beat [bi:t]


v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动
n. 敲打,

landscape ['lændskeip]


n. 风景,山水,风景画
v. 美化景观

slope [sləup]


n. 倾斜,斜坡,斜面,斜线,斜率
vt. 使

curious ['kjuəriəs]


adj. 好奇的,奇特的

merely ['miəli]


adv. 仅仅,只不过

threatening ['θretniŋ]


adj. 威胁(性)的,凶兆的 动词threaten的现

deserted [di'zə:tid]


adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的 动词desert的过

swiftly ['swiftli]


adv. 迅速地,敏捷地





