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美国小学英语教材5:第138课 纽伦堡火炉(14)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Oh, dear king!" he cried, in a clear voice, “Hirschvogel was ours; we have loved it all our lives; and father sold it. And when I saw that it did really go from us, then I said to myself I would go with it; and I have come all the way inside it. And I pray you to let me live here with it, and I will go out every morning and cut wood for it and you, if you will only let me stay beside it. No one but me ever has fed it with fuel since I grew big enough.”

Then breath failed him, and as he lifted his eager, pale face to the kings, tears were falling down his cheeks.
What is your name?” asked the king.
I am August Strehla. I live in Hall; and Hirschvogel has been ours so longso long!” His lips trembled with a broken sob.
And have you truly traveled inside this stove all the way from Hall?”
Yes,” said August. “No one thought to look inside.”
Who bought the stove of your father?” asked the king.





