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美国小学英语教材6:第127课 汤姆和他的财宝箱(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Behind him walked two other figures; one was the half-naked negro, the other the man with the plaited queue and the earrings,
  • 他后面还跟着两个人,一名是半裸的黑人,另外一个系着鞭子,戴着耳环,
  • whom Tom had seen lifting the chest out of the boat. Now they were carrying the heavy box between them,
  • 汤姆之前看到他将箱子从船上搬出来,如今,他们将沉重的箱子放在俩人中间搬运,
  • laboring through the sand as they bore it onward. As he who was counting pronounced the word thirty,
  • 他们搬着箱子在沙滩上努力前行,随着这名数数人说出数字三十,
  • the two men set the chest down on the sand with a grunt, the white man panting and blowing and wiping his sleeve across his forehead.
  • 这二人将箱子放在沙滩上,并发出了嘟囔声,这名白人气喘吁吁,用袖子擦去额头上的汗水。
  • And immediately he who counted took out a slip of paper and marked something down upon it.
  • 突然,这名数数人拿出一张纸,在上面写了什么。
  • They stood there for a long time, during which Tom lay behind the sand hillock watching them,
  • 他们站在那里有一会,在那期间汤姆躺在沙丘后面注视着他们,
  • and for a while the silence was not interrupted. In the perfect stillness, the washing of little waves beating upon the distant beach,
  • 过了一会宁静还没有打破,在寂静中,只有海浪拍打远处沙滩的声音,
  • and once the far-away sound of a laugh, could be heard. One, two, three minutes passed,
  • 可以听到远处传来的欢笑声,过了一分钟,两分钟,三分钟,
  • and then the men picked up the chest and started on again; and then again the other man began his counting.
  • 之后这些男子拾起了箱子,并继续往前走,另一名男子再一次数数。
  • Thirty and one, and thirty and two, and thirty and three, and thirty and four, he walked straight across the open space,
  • 三十一,三十二,三十三,三十四,他径直越过空旷地区,
  • still looking at that which he held in his hand, and thirty and five, and thirty and six, and thirty and seven, and so on,
  • 一直看着他手中的东西,三十五,三十六,三十七....
  • until the three men disappeared, and still Tom could hear the sound of the counting voice in the distance.
  • 直到这三人消失,汤姆也依然能在远处听到数数声。
  • Just as they disappeared behind the hill there was a sudden faint flash of light; and by and by,
  • 就在他们消失在沙丘后面时,突然出现了一道微弱的光,不久以后,
  • as Tom lay still listening to the counting, he heard a far-away muffled rumble of distant thunder.
  • 当汤姆还在那里躺着听数数声时,他听到了很远处一阵沉闷的隆隆声。
  • He waited for a while, and then arose and stepped to the top of the sand hillock behind which he had been lying.
  • 他等了一会,之后起身走到沙丘顶端,他之前就在沙丘后面躺着。
  • He looked all about him, but there was no one else to be seen.
  • 他四下望去,但看不到任何人。
  • Then he stepped down from the hillock and followed in the direction which the pirate captain and the two men carrying the chest had gone.
  • 他从沙丘上下来,跟随着海盗船船长和二人抬着箱子远去的方向走。
  • He crept along cautiously, stopping now and then to make sure that he still heard the counting voice,
  • 他小心翼翼地缓慢前行,时不时停下来确认他还能听到数数声,
  • and when it ceased he lay down upon the sand and waited until it began again.
  • 当声音停止了,他就会躺在沙滩上等待声音再次响起。


Behind him walked two other figures; one was the half-naked negro, the other the man with the plaited queue and the earrings,

whom Tom had seen lifting the chest out of the boat. Now they were carrying the heavy box between them,
laboring through the sand as they bore it onward. As he who was counting pronounced the word thirty,
the two men set the chest down on the sand with a grunt, the white man panting and blowing and wiping his sleeve across his forehead.
And immediately he who counted took out a slip of paper and marked something down upon it.
They stood there for a long time, during which Tom lay behind the sand hillock watching them,
and for a while the silence was not interrupted. In the perfect stillness, the washing of little waves beating upon the distant beach,
and once the far-away sound of a laugh, could be heard. One, two, three minutes passed,


and then the men picked up the chest and started on again; and then again the other man began his counting.

Thirty and one, and thirty and two, and thirty and three, and thirty and four, he walked straight across the open space,
still looking at that which he held in his hand, and thirty and five, and thirty and six, and thirty and seven, and so on,
until the three men disappeared, and still Tom could hear the sound of the counting voice in the distance.
Just as they disappeared behind the hill there was a sudden faint flash of light; and by and by,
as Tom lay still listening to the counting, he heard a far-away muffled rumble of distant thunder.
He waited for a while, and then arose and stepped to the top of the sand hillock behind which he had been lying.
He looked all about him, but there was no one else to be seen.
Then he stepped down from the hillock and followed in the direction which the pirate captain and the two men carrying the chest had gone.
He crept along cautiously, stopping now and then to make sure that he still heard the counting voice,
and when it ceased he lay down upon the sand and waited until it began again.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
stillness ['stilnis]


n. 静止,沉静

bore [bɔ:]


vt. 使厌烦
n. 讨厌的人,麻烦事

slip [slip]


v. 滑倒,溜走,疏忽,滑脱
n. 滑倒,溜走

interrupted [intə'rʌptid]


adj. 中断的;被打断的;不规则的 vt. 打断;中断

silence ['sailəns]


n. 沉默,寂静
vt. 使安静,使沉默

faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

pirate ['paiərit]


n. 海盗,盗印者,侵犯专利权者
v. 侵犯版

pronounced [prə'naunst]


adj. 显著的,断然的,明确的 pronounce的过

counted [kaunt]


vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计



adj. 听不清的;蒙住的 v. 裹住;蒙住…的头;捂住





