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美国小学英语教材5:第123课 点金术(17)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Magi   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • As he dipped the pitcher into the water, it gladdened his very heart to see it change from gold into the same good, earthen vessel which it had been before he touched it.
  • 当他把水罐浸在水里时,看到它从金子变成了和他接触之前一样好的陶制器皿,他心里非常高兴。
  • He felt, also, a change within himself.
  • 他自己也感到了一种变化。
  • A cold, hard, and heavy weight seemed to have gone out of his bosom.
  • 一股冰冷、坚硬、沉重的气息似乎从他的胸中消失了。
  • Seeing a violet that grew on the bank of the river, Midas touched it with his finger, and was overjoyed to find that the delicate flower kept its purple hue, instead of turning yellow.
  • 迈达斯看到河岸上生长着一株紫罗兰,他用手指触摸了一下,欣喜地发现这朵娇嫩的花没有变黄,而是保持了紫色。
  • The curse of the Golden Touch had, therefore, really been removed from him.
  • 因此,点石成金的诅咒真的从他身上消失了。
  • King Midas hastened back to the palace; and, I suppose, the servants knew not what to make of it when they saw their royal master so carefully bring home an earthen pitcher of water.
  • 迈达斯国王急忙回到宫殿;我想,当仆人们看到他们的主人如此小心翼翼地端来一壶水回家时,他们不知道该怎么办。
  • But that water, which was to undo all the mischief that his folly had wrought, was more precious to Midas than an ocean of melted gold could have been.
  • 但是,对迈达斯来说,这水要比融化的黄金海洋更珍贵,因为这水可以消除他的愚蠢所造成的一切危害。
  • The first thing he did, as you need hardly be told, was to sprinkle the water by handfuls over the golden figure of little Marygold.
  • 他做的第一件事,就像你几乎不需要被告知的那样,是把水一把把地洒在金色的小玛丽金雕像上。
  • No sooner did it fall on her than you would have laughed to see how the rosy color came back to the dear child's cheek!
  • 它一落到她身上,你就会笑起来,因为你看到那可爱的孩子的面颊又恢复了玫瑰色!
  • —and how she began to sneeze and splutter!
  • 她怎么又打喷嚏又吐痰了!
  • and how astonished she was to find herself dripping wet, and her father still pouring more water over her!
  • 她惊奇地发现自己浑身湿漉漉的,父亲还在往她身上浇更多的水。
  • "Pray, do not, dear father!" cried she.
  • “请不要这样做,亲爱的父亲!”她哭着说。
  • "See how you have wet my nice clean frock, which I put on only this morning!"
  • “看你把我今天早上才穿上的干净漂亮的衣服弄湿了!”
  • For Marygold did not know that she had been a little golden statue;
  • 因为玛丽金并不知道她曾经是一个小金雕像;
  • nor could she remember anything that had happened since the moment when she ran with outstretched arms to comfort poor King Midas.
  • 她也记不起自从她伸出双臂去安慰可怜的迈达斯国王之后发生了什么事。


As he dipped the pitcher into the water, it gladdened his very heart to see it change from gold into the same good, earthen vessel which it had been before he touched it. He felt, also, a change within himself. A cold, hard, and heavy weight seemed to have gone out of his bosom. Seeing a violet that grew on the bank of the river, Midas touched it with his finger, and was overjoyed to find that the delicate flower kept its purple hue, instead of turning yellow. The curse of the Golden Touch had, therefore, really been removed from him.

King Midas hastened back to the palace; and, I suppose, the servants knew not what to make of it when they saw their royal master so carefully bring home an earthen pitcher of water. But that water, which was to undo all the mischief that his folly had wrought, was more precious to Midas than an ocean of melted gold could have been. The first thing he did, as you need hardly be told, was to sprinkle the water by handfuls over the golden figure of little Marygold.
No sooner did it fall on her than you would have laughed to see how the rosy color came back to the dear childs cheek!—and how she began to sneeze and splutter!— and how astonished she was to find herself dripping wet, and her father still pouring more water over her!
Pray, do not, dear father!” cried she. “See how you have wet my nice clean frock, which I put on only this morning!”
For Marygold did not know that she had been a little golden statue; nor could she remember anything that had happened since the moment when she ran with outstretched arms to comfort poor King Midas.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
delicate ['delikit]


n. 精美的东西
adj. 精美的,微妙的,美

violet ['vaiəlit]


n. 紫罗兰,紫色
adj. 紫色的

melted [meltid]


adj. 融化的;溶解的 v. 融化;溶解(melt的过

astonished [əs'tɔniʃt]


adj. 惊讶的 动词astonish的过去式和过去分词

statue ['stætju:]


n. 塑像,雕像

pitcher ['pitʃə]


n. 水罐,[棒球]投手,[植]瓶状叶

precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

sneeze [sni:z]


n. 喷嚏
vi. 打喷嚏

figure ['figə]


n. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型

vessel ['vesl]


n. 容器,器皿,船,舰
n. 脉管,血





