Micky is going to the Hope School and send Schoolbags, dictionaries,
米凯准备去希望小学去送书包 字典
activity books, fans, sun caps, and umbrellas for the children there.
练习簿 扇子 太阳帽 雨伞给孩子们
Micky is walking very fast and the things are dropping to the ground.
米凯走得很快 东西就掉在了地上
Ms Bear sees the schoolbag. She asks Mimi.
熊夫人看见了一个书包 她问咪咪
Is this your schoolbag?
No, it isn't. Mimi answers.
不是 咪咪说
Mr panda sees the sun cap and asks the bird,
熊猫先生看到太阳帽 问小鸟
Is this your sun cap?
The bird answers, no, it isn't.
小鸟回答 不是我的