"It snows!" cries the Belle, "Dear, how lucky!" and turns from her mirror to watch the flakes fall,
Like the first rose of summer, her dimpled cheek burns!
While musing on sleigh ride and ball:
There are visions of conquests, of splendor, and mirth, floating over each drear winter's day;
But the tintings of Hope, on this storm-beaten earth, will melt like the snowflakes away.

Turn, then thee to Heaven, fair maiden, for bliss; that world has a pure fount ne'er opened in this.
"It snows!" cries the Widow, "O God!" and her sighs have stifled the voice of her prayer;
Its burden ye'll read in her tear-swollen eyes, on her cheek sunk with fasting and care.
This night, and her fatherless ask her for bread.
But "He gives the young ravens their food," And she trusts till her dark hearth adds horror to dread, and she lays on her last chip of wood.
Poor sufferer! that sorrow thy God only knows; This a most bitter lot to be poor when it snows.