On the evening of the 10th of August, 1589, there was a wedding feast in one of the splendid mansions of the stately city.
The festivities were prolonged until deep in the midsummer's night, and harp and viol were still inspiring the feet of the dancers,
when on a sudden, in the midst of the holiday groups, appeared the grim visage of Martin Schenk, the man who never smiled.
Clad in no wedding garment, but in armor of proof, with morion on head, and sword in hand, the great freebooter strode heavily through the ballroom,
followed by a party of those terrible musketeers who never gave or asked for quarter, while the affrighted revelers fluttered away before them.

Taking advantage of a dark night, he had just dropped down the river from his castle, with five and twenty barges,
had landed with his most trusted soldiers in the foremost vessels, had battered down the gate of St. Anthony, and surprised and slain the guard.
Without waiting for the rest of his boats, he had then stolen with his comrades through the silent streets,
and torn away the latticework, and other slight defenses on the rear of the house which they had now entered, and through which they intended to possess themselves of the market place.
Martin had long since selected this mansion as a proper position for his enterprise, but he had not been bidden to the wedding,
and was somewhat disconcerted when he found himself on the festive scene which he had so grimly interrupted.