The first dawn of comfort came to him in vowing to himself that he would stand by that boy through thick and thin, and cheer him, and help him, and bear his burdens, for the good deed done that night.
Then he resolved to write home next day and tell his mother all, and what a coward her son had been.
And then peace came to him as he resolved, lastly, to bear his testimony next morning.
The morning would be harder than the night to begin with, but he felt that he could not afford to let one chance slip.
Several times he faltered, for the Devil showed him, first, all his old friends calling him "Saint," and "Squaretoes," and a dozen hard names,
and whispered to him that his motives would be misunderstood, and he would be left alone with the new boy;
whereas, it was his duty to keep all means of influence, that he might do good to the largest number.
And then came the more subtle temptation, shall I not be showing myself braver than others by doing this?
Have I any right to begin it now?
Ought I not rather to pray in my own study, letting other boys know that I do so, and trying to lead them to it, while in public, at least, I should go on as I have done?
However, his good angel was too strong that night, and he turned on his side and slept, tired of trying to reason, but resolved to follow the impulse which had been so strong, and in which he had found peace.
Next morning he was up and washed and dressed, all but his jacket and waistcoat,
just as the ten minutes' bell began to ring, and then in the face of the whole room he knelt down to pray.
Not five words could he say,—the bell mocked him; he was listening for every whisper in the room,—what were they all thinking of him?