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英国语文第三册(MP3+中英字幕) 第45期:圣伯纳犬(下)

来源:可可英语 编辑:liekkas   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • The dogs are trained to look for lost travellers;
  • 僧侣们训练这些犬去搜寻失踪的游客;
  • and every day in winter they are sent out, generally in pairs.
  • 在冬天,他们每天都派出狗搜寻,通常是每次两只。
  • One has a basket of food and a flask of wine or brandy strapped to his neck;
  • 一只狗的脖子上绑着一篮食物和一瓶葡萄酒或白兰地;
  • the other has a cloak strapped upon his back.
  • 另一只的背上驮着一件斗篷。
  • Thus any poor fainting man whom they may find may be at once supplied with food and clothing.
  • 因此,凡是被搜寻到的昏厥游客都能马上进行食物补给和保暖。
  • If the man can walk, they lead him towards the convent, barking loudly all the way for help,
  • 如果游客还能走路,它们会领着他往修道院去,一路上大声狂吠以寻求帮助,
  • and to let the monks know that they are coming back.
  • 也为了告知僧侣们它们回来了。
  • If the man is so faint and benumbed that he cannot move,
  • 如果游客奄奄一息,不能动弹,
  • they go back to fetch the monks, and guide them to the spot where he is lying.
  • 它们会回到修道院领着僧侣们到发现游客的地方。
  • Sometimes the traveller is buried deep in the snow.
  • 有时候游客会被雪埋得很深。
  • If the monks were alone, they could never find him;
  • 如果单凭僧侣自己不可能找到被埋的游客;
  • but the keen scent of the dogs discovers him; and they scratch up the snow with their feet,
  • 但是狗的敏锐嗅觉能发现;它们会用爪子刨开雪
  • and they bark and howl till the monks come to the spot.
  • 并大声狂吠,直到僧侣到达。
  • One dog is said to have saved in this way as many as forty-two lives!
  • 据说有一只狗就是通过这样的方法挽救了42条生命!
  • Its name was Barry, and it was as ingenious as it was brave.
  • 这条狗叫巴里,既勇敢又聪明。
  • Once a woman, who was going up the mountain with her little son, was carried away by a snow-slip.
  • 一次有一位妇女带着小儿子上山,她自己却不幸被雪崩掩埋。
  • Barry found the little boy unhurt, but cold and stiff.
  • 巴里发现小孩子并未受伤,但是冷得僵硬。
  • He managed, however, to get him on his back;
  • 它努力地把孩子驮到背上,
  • and thus carried him to the door of the convent, where he was taken good care of by the monks.
  • 送到修道院门口,小孩因此得到了僧侣们的精心照料。


The dogs are trained to look for lost travellers; and every day in winter they are sent out, generally in pairs. One has a basket of food and a flask of wine or brandy strapped to his neck; the other has a cloak strapped upon his back. Thus any poor fainting man whom they may find may be at once supplied with food and clothing.


If the man can walk, they lead him towards the convent, barking loudly all the way for help, and to let the monks know that they are coming back. If the man is so faint and benumbed that he cannot move, they go back to fetch the monks, and guide them to the spot where he is lying.



Sometimes the traveller is buried deep in the snow. If the monks were alone, they could never find him; but the keen scent of the dogs discovers him; and they scratch up the snow with their feet, and they bark and howl till the monks come to the spot.


One dog is said to have saved in this way as many as forty-two lives! Its name was Barry, and it was as ingenious as it was brave. Once a woman, who was going up the mountain with her little son, was carried away by a snow-slip. Barry found the little boy unhurt, but cold and stiff. He managed, however, to get him on his back; and thus carried him to the door of the convent, where he was taken good care of by the monks.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

flask [flæsk]


n. 细颈瓶,烧瓶,小水瓶

keen [ki:n]


adj. 锋利的,敏锐的,强烈的,精明的,热衷的 <

ingenious [in'dʒi:njəs]


adj. 机灵的,精制的,有独创性的

scent [sent]


n. 气味,香味,痕迹
vt. 闻出,发觉,使

bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

stiff [stif]


adj. 硬的,僵直的,生硬的,拘谨的,不灵活的





