LESSON 54 Words which deceive
第五十四课 谎言
One day a man gave his son some wood to saw. The boy did not want to do such work; so after his father had gone away, he threw the saw down, and it broke.
"I did not break the saw," said the boy to himself; "it broke itself." He tried to deceive himself with words; but he knew in his heart that they were false words, and he was afraid to meet his father.

One day a mother said to her son, who had just returned from school, "It is six o'clock, and your school closes at four—where have you been, my boy?"
"O mother," said Ned, "when we play at ball, we forget everything else. We do not think of the time, or of coming home. Is tea ready?"
The boy's mother was deceived. Ned's answer led her to think that he had been playing with his companions. But he had not been playing at all.
He had been "kept in" by his teacher, because he had not learned his lessons. He did not like to tell his mother that. He wished her to think that he had been playing.
"What a shame and a sin it is for you to try to deceive your mother," said something in Ned's heart, as he sat down to his tea.
"I don't care," said the boy to himself, "I don't care. I did not tell a lie—I did not say that I was playing."
"But", said the voice, "you used words which made your mother think that you had been playing, and that was the same as if you had said so."
"I did not tell a lie," said Ned.
What do you think, my little reader? Did Ned tell a lie, or did he not? I am sure you will say—"Of course he did."
If we use words which are intended to deceive, we tell a lie; and Ned's lie was a very bad one, for it looked so like the truth. A lie that looks like the truth is the worst kind of lie.
What did a man give his son to do? What did the boy do with the saw? What happened to it? What did the boy say to himself? What did he know in his heart?—What did a mother say to her son? What did Ned reply? What effect had Ned's words on his mother's mind? What had made him late? What did he wish his mother to think? What did something in Ned' sheart say? What did the boy say? What did the voice reply? What did Ned say? What will the little reader say? What are words which are intended to deceive? Which kind of a lie is the worst kind?