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朗文新派小学英语课文(MP3+文本)第五册 Unit1

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I am your fine-feathered friend.

Welcmoe to Book5.My name is Boris.

And I am Betty.Let's take a flight through Book5.

Unit 1 My Family's Story

2.Listen to the conversation.

What are you looking at?

It's my family album.

Whose wedding picture is that?

My mom and dad's.

They look so young.

Mmmm.They went to school together and got married after they graduated.

Is that you,the baby wiht the big blue eyes and no hair?

Yeach,that's me,ten years ago!

I was born on their wedding anniversary,March 10.

What a way to celebrate an anniversary!

I guess they can't forget your birthday,can they?

No,they can't.

7.Listen,Say the chant.

My grandpa is a carpenter.He makes things with tools.

My grandma is a teacher.She spends her time in schools.

My mother is an artist.She made a bridge today.

My father is an engineer.He made a bridge today.

My cousin is a salesperson.He can sell you a brand-new scooter.

His sister is a secretary.She's always glued to her computer.

Aunt Janet is a dentist.She fixes people's teeth.

My cousin Bob's a student,And so is cousin Keith.

9.Complete Michael's family tree.

The Most Wonderful Present

A Folktale from Turkey.Retold by Judy Nayer

1.Long ago,there lived a king who had a daughter.

The king was a good father.His daughter wanted to get married,

so he and his wife decided to help her look for a husband.

The king said,

"The one who brings us the nost wonderful present can meet my daughter.

If she falls in love with him,he can marry her."

People sent special presents to the castle.

There were beautiful clay bowls,glasses,clocks,and coins.

But not one of the presents was special enough.

2.In a small town lived thre brothers.

The three brothers decided to go shopping.

The oldest brother was the tallest and had curly black hair.

He chose a special glass that let you see what was happening anywhere.

The second brother was the shortest and had long brown hair.

He found a beautiful red rug.It let you fly anywhere.

3.The youngest brother had short blond hair.

He didn't know what to get.

Then he heard a man say,"Lemons!Lemons!"

He asked what was special about the lemons.

The man said that if anyone is sick,the lemon juice can make them well.

The youngest brother picked one of the lemons.

The oldest brother looked in the glass.

He saw the king's daughter,and she was sick!

The second brother said,"Hurry up!We must go there!"

The three brothers climbed onto the magic rug.

Soon they were at the castle.

4.The youngest brother said,"Take this lemon.

The juice will make your daughter well."

The lemon worked!The princess got well!

When the king found out why the brothers had come,

he said,"Thank you for the glass and the rug.

But it was the lemon that made my daughter well.

It was the most wonderful present."

The princess fell in love with the youngest brohter.

So she and the youngest brother got married.

Cousins,aunts,uncles,and all the relatves came to celebrate.

It was the most wondeful wedding anyone ever saw!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dentist ['dentist]


n. 牙科医生

rug [rʌg]


n. 毯子,地毯,旅行毯

celebrate ['selibreit]


v. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬

turkey ['tə:ki]


n. 土耳其
n. 火

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊

clay [klei]


n. 粘土,泥土
n. (人的)肉体

conversation [.kɔnvə'seiʃən]


n. 会话,谈话

carpenter ['kɑ:pintə]


n. 木匠
v. 做木工活

castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

salesperson ['seilz,pə:sən]


n. 售货员


关键字: 朗文 课文 音频 新派




