Hippity hop to the videno shop,I want to rent a movie.
Hippity hop to the video shop,A movie just for me.
2.Read and say.
1.The movie theater is next to the video shop.
2.The bank is next to the movie theater.
3.The restaurant is next to the bank.
3.Ask and answer.
Where's the park? It's on Green Street.
It's between the supermarket and the hospital.
6.Listen and number.
10.Listen and sing.
Where's the toy shop? Do you know?
The toy shop is on Green Street. Thank you so.
School Trip by Mario Herrera
I live in Monterrey.It is a big city in Mexico.
Today we're going on a school trip.
We are looking at the buildings in our city.
We ride the Metro to the post office.
It is next to the police station.
We are walking on the street.We see a fire truck in the fire station!
"Hello,firefighter!"we say.
It is the end of our trip.We get ice cream cones and eat at the park.
"Where can we go now?"we ask.
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