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生活大爆炸 第五季:第11集 跑过同伴就不会挨打(下)

来源:可可英语 编辑:Helen   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Anyway, I'm really sorry I made fun of your stutter in high school.
  • 总之我很抱歉 高中的时候一直笑你口吃
  • You're doing great.
  • 你干得很好
  • Oh, God, just finish the sentence.
  • 天啊 等她说完费死劲了
  • Okay, well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Bye.
  • 好吧 抱歉让你难过了 再见
  • No one wants to hear my apologies.
  • 没人想听我道歉
  • I think your mistake is doing it over the phone.If they could look into your eyes, they'd melt.
  • 我认为你不该在电话上道歉 如果她们能看着你那无辜的大眼睛 铁定会被你融化的
  • Penny, it doesn't matter what you did in the past.You're a good person now.
  • 佩妮 你过去做过什么都不重要 重要的是你现在是个好人
  • That's easy for you to say.You weren't just called a "Bbbbbitch".
  • 你说得倒是容易 别人又没管你叫"婊婊婊婊婊婊子"
  • Perhaps you could assuage your guilt through altruism.
  • 也许你可以通过做善事来减轻你的负罪感
  • Which word's tripping you up?
  • 你是哪个词没听懂
  • Assuage, or "altruism"?
  • 减轻还是"负罪感"
  • Both.
  • 俩都没懂
  • You'll feel better by doing something nice for someone.
  • 通过帮助别人 让你的心好过一点
  • I actually knew that. I never doubted you.
  • 其实我是懂的 我从没怀疑过你的实力
  • Every other week I serve at a soup kitchen downtown.
  • 每隔一个星期我都会去市中心的一家汤店去帮忙
  • Ooh, I can't do that.If I stand over a steaming pot, my hair just goes boing!
  • 这不行 如果我站在一锅冒热气的汤前 我的头发就会全炸开
  • What else could I do?
  • 我还能干点别的什么
  • There's Habitat for Humanity building houses for the poor.
  • 还有仁爱之家活动 给穷人盖房子
  • Okay, come on, I don't even have my own house I'm going to build one for someone else?
  • 拜托 我自己都没有房子 又何德何能给别人盖呢
  • How about donating some of your clothes?
  • 那捐赠你的一些衣服怎么样
  • Oh, my God, that's perfect.
  • 天啊 这太完美了
  • 'Cause I have so many clothesI don't wear, and they're just taking up space,and I go shopping to buy more stuff and I have no place to put it.This will totally fix that.
  • 因为我有太多不穿的衣服了 衣橱都装不下了 我每次逛街还总爱买 新衣服都没地方放了 这下我的麻烦就都解决了
  • What about helping people?
  • 那助人为乐呢
  • And helping people.
  • 外加助人为乐
  • Here's your cocoa.
  • 这是你的可可
  • Oh, half and half instead of whole milk? Yes.
  • 你放的是半脱脂奶不是全脂奶吧 没错
  • Heated to precisely 183 degrees? Yes.
  • 精确加热到了83.89度了吗 没错
  • Seven little marshmallows, no more no less?
  • 正好七块小棉花糖 不多不少吗
  • You got one for good luck.
  • 你运气好 多给你一块
  • I'll get it.
  • 我去开门
  • One for good luck.
  • 我运气好 多给我一块
  • Must be the kind of math they do at Princeton.
  • 这数学水平跟普林斯顿大学有一拼
  • Hey. What are you doing here?
  • 嘿。你来干嘛
  • I want to apologize for...stapling your balls and...
  • 我来道歉 就用订书机订你的蛋蛋
  • ...throwing you naked in the girls' locker room,
  • 把你脱光了丢进女生更衣室
  • stuffing that parrot down your pants.
  • 还有把胡萝卜塞到你裤子里向你道歉
  • What's this word?
  • 这个是什么字
  • "Laxative".
  • 泻药
  • Oh, right.
  • 没错
  • Junior prom.
  • 初中毕业舞会
  • That was not cool, man.
  • 那样做太过分了 伙计
  • I am so, so sorry.
  • 我真的非常非常抱歉
  • Really?
  • 真的吗
  • Yeah. I just hope you can forgive me.
  • 是啊 我只希望你能原谅我
  • Yeah.Sure, I guess.
  • 好啊 我想我原谅你了
  • You're a beautiful guy.
  • 你真是个大好人
  • Well, thanks, Jimmy.
  • 谢谢 吉米
  • Okay, I got to go.
  • 好了 我该走了
  • Are you okay to drive?
  • 你还能开车吗
  • Yeah, yeah, yeah. I drive better drunk.You know, it makes you pay attention.
  • 当然 我喝醉了开得更好 酒精让人注意力更集中
  • No, no, no, come on in. I'll make you a cup of coffee.
  • 不行不行 进来 喝杯咖啡先
  • I wouldn't be imposing?
  • 不打扰吗
  • No. Yes.
  • 不会 当然会
  • Sheldon, we can't let him drive.
  • 谢尔顿 他现在不能开车
  • Then take away his keys and make him wander the streets with the other drunks.
  • 那就拿走他的车钥匙 让他跟其他醉鬼一起去大街上游荡去呗
  • You remember Sheldon and Raj and Howard.
  • 刚介绍过的 谢尔顿 拉杰和霍华德
  • Not really, no.
  • 没啥印象
  • It's funny, huh, Leonard? Back in school, I was the winner and you were the loser.And now we're reversed.
  • 人生如戏啊 莱纳德 学校里 我是赢家你是输家 现在正好相反
  • You're the winner.
  • 你成了赢家
  • You'd think a winner could make a decent cup of cocoa.
  • 赢家居然连一杯像样的可可都做不好
  • You mind if I use your bathroom?
  • 我用下洗手间可以吗
  • Yeah, just back there.
  • 当然 就在走廊后
  • How about that? After all these years, your big bad high school bully finally apologizes.
  • 感觉如何呀 这么多年后 欺负你的高中恶霸终于跟你道歉了
  • Yeah. It kind of rekindles your faith in the basic goodness of people.
  • 真好啊 恢复了我对 人性本善的信心
  • You know what would be nice?
  • 知道什么才是真的好吗
  • What's that?
  • 什么
  • As a symbolic gesture to all the bullies who've tormented us for years,we open our home to Jimmy and once he's asleep we kill him.
  • 可以将吉米看作 多年来欺负我们的所有恶霸的象征 我们先引狼入室 然后趁他入睡杀了他
  • I said it would be nice I didn't say we should do it.
  • 我是说这样很好 不是说真要这么做
  • I feel just like Mother Teresa.Except for the virgin part.That ship sailed a long time ago.
  • 我觉得自己就像特蕾莎修女 除了童贞那部分(因其一生奉献于解救贫困而获诺贝尔和平奖 特蕾莎修女是终身职修女 毕生未婚)姐的早就奉献出去了
  • I think Mother Teresa would have washed the clothes first.
  • 我觉得特蕾莎修女会先把衣服洗干净
  • Yeah, well, I bet her laundry room
  • 是啊 但愿她去洗衣房
  • You know, giving really is better than receiving.I used to think it was such a cliche, but it seems to be the...
  • 付出真的比得到更幸福呢 我原本以为这是陈词滥调 但现在...
  • Look at these cute jeans someone just threw away.
  • 居然有人扔掉这么好的牛仔裤
  • Donated.
  • 是捐赠
  • Yes, to a poor waitress who loves a boot cut.
  • 没错 捐赠给一个喜欢靴型牛仔裤的可怜女服务生
  • Penny.
  • 佩妮
  • Come on, they would be so cute on me...They go great with this sweater!
  • 拜托 这我穿着绝对赞的呀 这裤子配这毛衣整好
  • I don't think Mother Teresa...Oh, that is adorable.
  • 特蕾莎修女可不会...这件真漂亮
  • Leonard.
  • 莱纳德
  • Yeah.
  • 什么事
  • In case it comes up again,this right here is an imposition.
  • 为防再次留宿别人 那家伙睡在我的位置上了
  • What was I supposed to do?He needed a place to sleep it off.
  • 那我还能怎么办 他需要地方过夜
  • You're soft.This world's going to chew you up and spit you out.
  • 你太善良了 这世界将把你啃得尸骨无存
  • When did I have tacos?
  • 怎么有股炸玉米饼味
  • Morning, Jimmy.
  • 早 吉米
  • Oh, there it is, tacos.
  • 真的是炸玉米饼味
  • Man, I tied one on.
  • 我昨晚喝醉了
  • Yeah, you did.
  • 是啊
  • So, uh, listen, it was great to see you again.And thanks for the apology.
  • 是这样的 我很高兴再见到你 还有谢谢你的道歉
  • What apology?
  • 什么道歉
  • For all the crappy stuff you did to me in high school.
  • 你为在学校里对我做的恶作剧道歉啊
  • Geez, you're still harping on that? What a puss.
  • 天哪 你还在喋喋不休这些事 真是个娘们
  • That's my French toast.
  • 那是我的法式吐司
  • It's good.
  • 很好吃
  • You really know your way around a kitchen, Nancy.
  • 厨房的事你样样精通嘛 南希
  • I'm not going to say I told you so,but we could have killed him.
  • 我不想说 我早告诉过你了 但我们本可以杀了他的
  • I might kill him right now.
  • 我现在就杀了他
  • The Dark Knight has your back.
  • 黑暗骑士[蝙蝠侠]挺你
  • He's scared, but he has your back.
  • 他吓坏了 不过还是挺你
  • Okay, Jimmy, it's time for you to go.
  • 吉米 你该走了
  • Yeah, all right, let me just finish this.
  • 没问题 等我吃完
  • No, you're done. I want you out of my apartment right now.
  • 不行 你马上就给我出去
  • Well said, Boy Wonder.
  • 说得好 神奇小子
  • Or what?
  • 不然怎样
  • Don't answer that. It's a trick question.I speak from experience.
  • 别回答 有诈 我可是上过当了
  • I'm not afraid of you anymore, Jimmy.Now get out!
  • 吉米,我并不怕你。给我滚出去
  • You did it, Leonard, you stood up to your bully.
  • 你做到了 莱纳德 勇敢反抗了恶霸
  • Yeah, I feel pretty good about myself.
  • 没错 我为自己骄傲
  • You think we can outrun him?
  • 你觉得我们跑得过他吗
  • I don't need to outrun him, I just need to outrun you.
  • 我不用跑得过他 只要跑得过你
  • I don't feel good about this.
  • 这样做不大好吧
  • Then sit in the car and keep it running.
  • 那就去车里呆着 别熄火
  • You were right a whole new load.
  • 你说对了 又有新货到啦
  • Come on, yoga top. Mama needs a new yoga top.
  • 出来吧 瑜伽装 妈妈需要瑜伽上装
  • Check it out, Bernadette, suede boots, your size.God, they're cute.
  • 看看吧 伯纳黛特 羊皮靴 你的尺码 天哪 真好看
  • Oh, why did they have to be cute?
  • 为什么要这么好看啊
  • Wait, wait, wait, guys, just hang on.
  • 等等 等等 稍等一下
  • What is it, the fuzz?
  • 怎么了 有条子吗
  • Look at us.What are we doing?
  • 看看我们 我们在做什么啊
  • I was gleefully following you to a life of crime,looking forward to the day we might be cell mates.
  • 我正欢快地跟着你从事犯罪活动期待着咱成为牢友的那一天
  • I don't know about Bernadette.
  • 不知道伯纳黛特怎么想
  • You know, this is wrong. Let's put everything back.
  • 我们做错了 都放回去吧
  • Here.
  • It's okay, I serve soup to poor people!
  • 原谅我吧 我给穷人端汤呢


Anyway, I'm really sorry I made fun of your stutter in high school.

总之我很抱歉 高中的时候一直笑你口吃
You're doing great.
Oh, God, just finish the sentence.
天啊 等她说完费死劲了
Okay, well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Bye.
好吧 抱歉让你难过了 再见
No one wants to hear my apologies.
I think your mistake is doing it over the phone.If they could look into your eyes, they'd melt.
我认为你不该在电话上道歉 如果她们能看着你那无辜的大眼睛 铁定会被你融化的
Penny, it doesn't matter what you did in the past.You're a good person now.
佩妮 你过去做过什么都不重要 重要的是你现在是个好人
That's easy for you to say.You weren't just called a "Bbbbbitch".
你说得倒是容易 别人又没管你叫"婊婊婊婊婊婊子"
Perhaps you could assuage your guilt through altruism.
Which word's tripping you up?
Assuage, or "altruism"?
You'll feel better by doing something nice for someone.
通过帮助别人 让你的心好过一点
I actually knew that. I never doubted you.
其实我是懂的 我从没怀疑过你的实力
Every other week I serve at a soup kitchen downtown.
Ooh, I can't do that.If I stand over a steaming pot, my hair just goes boing!
这不行 如果我站在一锅冒热气的汤前 我的头发就会全炸开
What else could I do?
There's Habitat for Humanity building houses for the poor.
还有仁爱之家活动 给穷人盖房子
Okay, come on, I don't even have my own house I'm going to build one for someone else?
拜托 我自己都没有房子 又何德何能给别人盖呢
How about donating some of your clothes?
Oh, my God, that's perfect.
天啊 这太完美了
'Cause I have so many clothesI don't wear, and they're just taking up space,and I go shopping to buy more stuff and I have no place to put it.This will totally fix that.
因为我有太多不穿的衣服了 衣橱都装不下了 我每次逛街还总爱买 新衣服都没地方放了 这下我的麻烦就都解决了
What about helping people?
And helping people.
Here's your cocoa.
Oh, half and half instead of whole milk? Yes.
你放的是半脱脂奶不是全脂奶吧 没错
Heated to precisely 183 degrees? Yes.
精确加热到了83.89度了吗 没错
Seven little marshmallows, no more no less?
正好七块小棉花糖 不多不少吗
You got one for good luck.
你运气好 多给你一块
I'll get it.
One for good luck.
我运气好 多给我一块
Must be the kind of math they do at Princeton.
Hey. What are you doing here?
I want to apologize for...stapling your balls and...
我来道歉 就用订书机订你的蛋蛋
...throwing you naked in the girls' locker room,
stuffing that parrot down your pants.
What's this word?
Oh, right.
Junior prom.
That was not cool, man.
那样做太过分了 伙计
I am so, so sorry.
Yeah. I just hope you can forgive me.
是啊 我只希望你能原谅我
Yeah.Sure, I guess.
好啊 我想我原谅你了
You're a beautiful guy.
Well, thanks, Jimmy.
谢谢 吉米
Okay, I got to go.
好了 我该走了
Are you okay to drive?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I drive better drunk.You know, it makes you pay attention.
当然 我喝醉了开得更好 酒精让人注意力更集中
No, no, no, come on in. I'll make you a cup of coffee.
不行不行 进来 喝杯咖啡先
I wouldn't be imposing?
No. Yes.
不会 当然会
Sheldon, we can't let him drive.
谢尔顿 他现在不能开车
Then take away his keys and make him wander the streets with the other drunks.
那就拿走他的车钥匙 让他跟其他醉鬼一起去大街上游荡去呗
You remember Sheldon and Raj and Howard.
刚介绍过的 谢尔顿 拉杰和霍华德
Not really, no.
It's funny, huh, Leonard? Back in school, I was the winner and you were the loser.And now we're reversed.
人生如戏啊 莱纳德 学校里 我是赢家你是输家 现在正好相反
You're the winner.
You'd think a winner could make a decent cup of cocoa.
You mind if I use your bathroom?
Yeah, just back there.
当然 就在走廊后
How about that? After all these years, your big bad high school bully finally apologizes.
感觉如何呀 这么多年后 欺负你的高中恶霸终于跟你道歉了
Yeah. It kind of rekindles your faith in the basic goodness of people.
真好啊 恢复了我对 人性本善的信心
You know what would be nice?
What's that?
As a symbolic gesture to all the bullies who've tormented us for years,we open our home to Jimmy and once he's asleep we kill him.
可以将吉米看作 多年来欺负我们的所有恶霸的象征 我们先引狼入室 然后趁他入睡杀了他
I said it would be nice I didn't say we should do it.
我是说这样很好 不是说真要这么做
I feel just like Mother Teresa.Except for the virgin part.That ship sailed a long time ago.
我觉得自己就像特蕾莎修女 除了童贞那部分(因其一生奉献于解救贫困而获诺贝尔和平奖 特蕾莎修女是终身职修女 毕生未婚)姐的早就奉献出去了
I think Mother Teresa would have washed the clothes first.
Yeah, well, I bet her laundry room
是啊 但愿她去洗衣房
wasn't down five flights of stairs.
You know, giving really is better than receiving.I used to think it was such a cliche, but it seems to be the...
付出真的比得到更幸福呢 我原本以为这是陈词滥调 但现在...
Look at these cute jeans someone just threw away.
Yes, to a poor waitress who loves a boot cut.
没错 捐赠给一个喜欢靴型牛仔裤的可怜女服务生
Come on, they would be so cute on me...They go great with this sweater!
拜托 这我穿着绝对赞的呀 这裤子配这毛衣整好
I don't think Mother Teresa...Oh, that is adorable.
In case it comes up again,this right here is an imposition.
为防再次留宿别人 那家伙睡在我的位置上了
What was I supposed to do?He needed a place to sleep it off.
那我还能怎么办 他需要地方过夜
You're soft.This world's going to chew you up and spit you out.
你太善良了 这世界将把你啃得尸骨无存
When did I have tacos?
Morning, Jimmy.
早 吉米
Oh, there it is, tacos.
Man, I tied one on.
Yeah, you did.
So, uh, listen, it was great to see you again.And thanks for the apology.
是这样的 我很高兴再见到你 还有谢谢你的道歉
What apology?
For all the crappy stuff you did to me in high school.
Geez, you're still harping on that? What a puss.
天哪 你还在喋喋不休这些事 真是个娘们
That's my French toast.
It's good.
You really know your way around a kitchen, Nancy.
厨房的事你样样精通嘛 南希
I'm not going to say I told you so,but we could have killed him.
我不想说 我早告诉过你了 但我们本可以杀了他的
I might kill him right now.
The Dark Knight has your back.
He's scared, but he has your back.
他吓坏了 不过还是挺你
Okay, Jimmy, it's time for you to go.
吉米 你该走了
Yeah, all right, let me just finish this.
没问题 等我吃完
No, you're done. I want you out of my apartment right now.
不行 你马上就给我出去
Well said, Boy Wonder.
说得好 神奇小子
Or what?
Don't answer that. It's a trick question.I speak from experience.
别回答 有诈 我可是上过当了
I'm not afraid of you anymore, Jimmy.Now get out!
You did it, Leonard, you stood up to your bully.
你做到了 莱纳德 勇敢反抗了恶霸
Yeah, I feel pretty good about myself.
没错 我为自己骄傲
You think we can outrun him?
I don't need to outrun him, I just need to outrun you.
我不用跑得过他 只要跑得过你
I don't feel good about this.
Then sit in the car and keep it running.
那就去车里呆着 别熄火
You were right a whole new load.
你说对了 又有新货到啦
Come on, yoga top. Mama needs a new yoga top.
出来吧 瑜伽装 妈妈需要瑜伽上装
Check it out, Bernadette, suede boots, your size.God, they're cute.
看看吧 伯纳黛特 羊皮靴 你的尺码 天哪 真好看
Oh, why did they have to be cute?
Wait, wait, wait, guys, just hang on.
等等 等等 稍等一下
What is it, the fuzz?
怎么了 有条子吗
Look at us.What are we doing?
看看我们 我们在做什么啊
I was gleefully following you to a life of crime,looking forward to the day we might be cell mates.
I don't know about Bernadette.
You know, this is wrong. Let's put everything back.
我们做错了 都放回去吧
It's okay, I serve soup to poor people!
原谅我吧 我给穷人端汤呢

重点单词   查看全部解释    
assuage [ə'sweidʒ]


vt. 缓和,减轻,镇定

imposing [im'pəuziŋ]


adj. 令人难忘的,壮丽的 vbl. 强迫,利用

apology [ə'pɔlədʒi]


n. 道歉;勉强的替代物

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

melt [melt]


vi. 融化,熔化,消散
vt. 使融化,使熔

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.

guilt [gilt]


n. 罪行,内疚

cliche ['kli:ʃei]


n. 陈腔滥调

laxative ['læksətiv]


adj. 通便的,不简洁的 n. 泻药,缓泻药

humanity [hju:'mæniti]


n. 人类,人性,人道,慈爱,(复)人文学科





