Mm, I'm thinking about adopting some quirky affectation,like a pipe or a monocle or a handlebar mustache.
我在考虑给自己搞个另类造型 比如弄个烟斗 单片眼镜 或是翘八字胡
For all those girls out there looking for the Indian Monopoly man?
This is not a safe place.You can't share anything here.
这国家太危险了 什么东西都不能露白
The two of you need to get your women in line!
你们两个 给哥管好你们的女人
Last night I was strong armed into an evening of harp music and spooning with an emotional Amy Farrah Fowler.
昨一整晚 我被强迫 听那烦人的竖琴 还得让情绪化的艾米·法拉·福勒熊抱
This on a night that I had originally designated for solving the space time geometry in higher spin gravity and building my Lego Death Star.
本来那天晚上 我是计划好要解决 更高自旋引力场下的时空几何问题 以及搭乐高死星的呢
And why? Your gal pals, Penny and Bernadette,went out shopping for some wedding nonsense without Amy,
结果因为你们的马子 佩妮和伯纳黛特 偷偷跑去买婚礼垃圾 也不叫上艾米
an action they took with no thought or regard as to how it would affect me, the future of string theory or my Lego fun time!
她们完全没有想过她们会影响到我 影响弦理论的未来还影响我的乐高欢乐时光
What do you want us to do about it?
You clearly weren't listening to my topic sentence:Get your women in line!
你显然没仔细听我的主题句 管好你们的女人
You make them apologize to Amy and set things right.I am a man of science, not someone's snuggle bunny!
叫她们去跟艾米道歉 把关系修复好 我是个搞科研的人 不是某人的抱抱兔
Why do I have to talk to Penny? She's not my girlfriend.
为什么要我去跟佩妮谈 她又不是我女朋友
You invited her to lunch four years ago. Everything about her is on you; you make it so!
四年前是你请她过来吃午饭的 她的事全怪你 你给我搞定她
Moo shu is Penny.
Thank you.Where's Sheldon?
谢谢 谢尔顿呢
He was up late last night,so I gave him an early dinner and put him to bed.
他昨晚熬夜了 我提早喂他食 哄他睡觉了
That's so sweet.
Yeah, but now he's gonna be up at dawn and want to play.
不过明天一大早 他就会起床闹着玩了
So, listen, guys,the reason he was up late is because he was taking care of Amy.She's kind of upset.
其实呢 他昨晚之所以熬夜是因为 他要照顾艾米她有点伤心
Her feelings got hurt because you guys went dress shopping without her.
她的感情有点受伤 因为你们 没叫她一起去逛街
I told you that would happen.
Okay, look, this is her first time being a bridesmaid and she's just getting a little crazy with it.
这是她第一次做伴娘 她有点兴奋过头了
She keeps on telling us stories about bridesmaid traditions in other cultures, and they're all about getting naked and washing each other.
Yeah, and she keeps trying to figure out if our cycles have synced up so we can call ourselves The three menstra teers
对 她还老想知道我们的月经有没有同步 我们才能自诩为 三个同经手
We thought it would be easier to look at dresses one time without her.
仿三个火枪手 我们以为不叫她一起去逛礼服会比较省事
I feel terrible.
I know. Me, too. We'll talk to her.
我也内疚 我们会找她谈
Hey, wait,how did she find out?
等等 她怎么知道的
Raj did it.And he says he would do it again.
拉杰告的密 他说下次还会揭你们的短
Hey, I'm sorry.You sent me the picture; I wasn't thinking.
好吧 对不起 你给我发照片 我当时没多想就说漏嘴了
Oh, Howie. Well, hey, I'm usually pretty good at not blabbing.You tell me tons of stuff about these guys,and I never repeat it.
华仔 别这样 平时 我的嘴巴还是挺严的 你跟我说了那么多他们的事 我从来都没说出去
What do you tell him?
Oh,you know, just pillow talk.You guys have nothing to worry about.
没说啥 就一些枕边的私房话你们什么都不用担心
Hold on, did you talk about us when we were dating?
咱两相好时 你没跟人家说啥吧
No. All your little secrets are fine.
没有 你的小秘密我都没说过
Yes, absolutely fine.
是啊 她绝对没说
I'll tell you later.
Come on, tumor.Come on, tumor, Mama needs an aggressive little glioblastoma.
来吧 肿瘤 来吧 肿瘤 老娘要的就是扩散的小恶性胶质瘤
Yay, brain tumor!
爽啊 脑瘤
Probably not the same reaction you had when you got the news.
Hi. Hello.
嗨 你好
What are you doing here?
Well, look, we just wanted to apologize for not bringing you with us the other day.
That's not necessary it's like Sesame Street says: One of these things is not like the other, one of these things should die alone.
没必要道歉 这就跟《芝麻街》里说的一样 这个东西跟与众不同这个东西将孤独终老
Come on, Amy, let us make it up to you.We'll have a girl's night;we'll do whatever you want.
别这样嘛 艾米 让我们补偿你 咱们办个闺蜜之夜你想干啥咱就干啥
We can go down to the Korean baths and do that thing you were talking about where we wash each other.
我们可以去韩国洗浴中心 照你说的那样 互相给对方搓澡
With with loofah mitts, no hands.
戴着丝瓜络手套搓 不是用手摸
It's okay. I'm glad this happened.
没关系 我很高兴发生这样的事
I can stop pretending that some beautiful girl and her cute in the right light friend want to hang out with me.
我再也不用假装某个美女 和她找准角度还算可爱的朋友喜欢和我一起玩了
Amy, we're really sorry.
艾米 我们真的很抱歉
Yeah, we feel awful.
对 我们觉得特内疚
Don't. I'll be okay. You're not the first girls I thought were friends with me who ended up shunning me.
别 我会没事的 你们也不是第一个我以为是我的朋友 结果处处躲着我的女孩子
It's like elementary school, junior high, high school, undergrad, grad school, and that semester abroad in Norway all over again.
感觉就像回到了小学 初中 高中 大学 研究院 还有去挪威交换的那学期一样
Oh, come on, Amy.
别这样嘛 艾米
You don't get it.
Look at this brain.
I don't really want to.
This is us.
Bernadette, you are the analytical,scientific left hemisphere.Penny, you're the creative, spontaneous right hemisphere.
伯纳黛特 你就是善于 科学分析的左脑佩妮 你就是有自主创造力的右脑
And where's Amy?
She's right here the sad little tumor no one wants to go dress shopping with.
她在这里 可怜的小肿瘤 没人愿意跟她一起去逛街
Amy, you're not a tumor.Penny, tell her she's not a tumor.
艾米 你不是肿瘤 佩妮 告诉她她不是肿瘤
Did you know that when Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone,he proposed answering it with Ahoy ?
你知道亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔发明电话时 他提议接电话时说 啊嘿 吗
海盗或船员常用的打招呼语 啊嘿
I like it.
Amy? Is that you?
艾米 是你吗
Have you been drinking?
I'm sorry, I bet my sweet what?
你说什么 没我屁屁个错...
Well, all right. We're on our way.
好吧 我们这就去
What's going on?
It would seem Amy is drunk in a liquor store parking lot.
Really? Amy?
真的吗 艾米
Leonard, be glad you can't keep a woman.They are a handful.
莱纳德 你该庆幸自己留不住女人 她们真是难搞
Oh, look.It's Sheldon and little Leonard.Hi, little Leonard.
看哪 是小谢和小莱驾到 嗨 小莱
Hi, Amy.
嗨 艾米
Hey, Cuddles.
嗨 小 抱 贝
小 抱 贝
Yes, Cuddles. We cuddled.Grow up, Leonard.
对 小 抱 贝 我们抱过了 少幼稚的猛问了 莱纳德
Amy, what are you doing here?
艾米 你在这干嘛
I came here to get a bottle of wine like Penny taught me to do when you're sad.
我来这买酒 佩妮教过我 借酒浇愁
Yeah, but why didn't you go back to your apartment?
是啊 但你怎么不回家喝
Didn't you go to high school, Leonard?
你没上过中学吗 莱纳德
Parking lots are where all the cool kids hang out.
Not that the rat bastards ever invited me.
Maybe we should get you home.
Oh, hang on, hang on, hang on. Sheldon,
等等 等等 谢尔顿
what would it take for you to go into that liquor store,buy a bottle of hooch,take me across the street to that motel,and have your way with me?
要怎么样你才肯去隔壁 买一瓶烈酒然后带我去街对面那家旅馆 跟我大搞特搞一番呢
Yeah, Sheldon, what would it take?
是啊 谢尔顿 你要怎样才肯
I'm begging both of you, please, let's go.
我求求你们了 快走吧
Okay.Come on.Upsy daisy.
好吧 来吧 起来没事啦
Ooh, finally someone found second base.
I know how you feel.I got a knife slicing through my frontal lobe, too.
我懂你的痛 我的大脑前庭也像被刀子划过一样
What do you want?
Do you want me to give the friendship bracelet back?
I never gave you a friendship bracelet.
When we first met, I made one and pretended you gave it to me.You can have it back if you want.
我们刚认识时我做了一个 假装是你给我的 你要的话 我可以还给你
No, you made that for you; I want you to have it.
不 你给自己做的 我想你好好留着
We know you're upset, and you have every right to be,but if it's okay with you, we'd like a second chance to make things right.
我们知道你很伤心 你完全有理由伤心如果可以 请再给我们一个机会 纠正我们的错误
We are really sorry,and we were trying to think of some way to show you how much we care about you.
我们真的很抱歉 我们想努力向你表达 我们有多在乎你
Which is why it would mean so much if you would agree to be the maid of honor at my wedding.
What? Wait, is this some kind of practical joke?
什么 等等 这是什么恶作剧吗
Like in Norway, when my Friends trapped me in a sauna with a horny otter?
No. I I want you to be the maid of honor.
不 我真的想请你当我的首席伴娘
Oh, my gosh. No one's every asked me to be the maid of honor before.
我的天哪 都没有人请我当过首席伴娘呢
Well, that's not true.Once, but then they all died.
哦 不对 有过一次 不过她们都死了
So is that a yes?
Yes. Yes.Oh, my gosh, I I have so much to do.
答应 当然答应 老天哪 我有太多事要做了
There's the bridal shower and the bachelorette party. What should we do for the bachelorette party?
要准备新娘婚前派对和单身女郎派对 单身女郎派对要做什么好呢
Oh, I know we'll go to a Native American sweat lodge,we'll take peyote, roll around in the mud,and paint fertility symbols on Bernadette's naked body.So that's happening.
我知道了 我们去印第安人的蒸汗屋带上龙舌兰酒 去烂泥里打滚 接着在伯纳黛特裸体上画生育符号 终于要去做这事了
Yeah, sure, sure.Vegas is fun, too.
是啊 当然 真好 拉斯维加斯也很好玩啊
I feel like crying. Of course, I could just be hormonal.
我有种想哭的冲动 当然 可能只是荷尔蒙作祟
Oh, wait. Maybe our menses are finally syncing up.Bernadette?No? Penny?
等等 说不定我们的月经终于同步了 伯纳黛特你快到了吗 没有吗 佩妮呢
Sorry. Really? Okay, yeah.Yay!
抱歉 真的吗 好啦 是到了太好了
Maid of honor Amy Farrah Fowler's amazing behind the scenes wedding video,
首席伴娘艾米·菲拉·福勒的 婚礼录像之 精彩幕后故事
take one.
We're just trying on dresses do we really need to record this?
I'm sorry, are you the maid of honor?
抱歉 你是首席伴娘吗
I am the bride.
So no. And action.
所以你不是 开拍
What do you think?
I love it!
What are you, a nun? Come on, bestie, let's see some skin.
这身什么啊 尼姑装吗 拜托 闺蜜 露点肉肉嘛
Amy! Looking sexy!
艾米 真性感
You think they don't have mirrors in there?I know how I look.
你以为这里没镜子的吗 我当然知道自己有多美
Oh.Bernadette, you look beautiful!
伯纳黛特 你真是太美了
You do.
Thank you.
Not Penny beautiful, but beautiful.
没佩妮那么美 不过还是挺美
Come on, bestie, you're up.
快点 闺蜜 到你了
Give me a minute.
What is taking you so long?
你在干嘛啊 这么慢
Oh, Amy! Get the hell out of here!
艾米 滚出去
Sorry, sorry. Oh, God.
抱歉 抱歉 天哪
Amy! Sorry.