You know, last night when I got home, I just started thinking about all of the fun things that we could do together, you know? Yeah.
I don't wanna scare you off, but my sister's getting married in a couple of weeks, and I so don't wanna go to that thing alone. Maybe you could be my date?
Katie, you're an amazing woman. You're smart, you're beautiful, and how fun is that handbag?
This is gonna come as a little bit of a shock. I'm fairly gay. I don't know why I said that. I'm--I'm totally gay. Just gay.
我接下来要说的 你可能会有点震惊。我是个货真价实的基佬。我不知道我怎么冒出这么一句。我,我是个彻头彻尾的基佬。基的无可救药。
You're telling me you're gay? -Yeah. -Why?

I was born that way. I mean, you know, it's just--No, why are you telling me? I mean, I know you're gay. It's obvious.
Well, it's not that-- it's not that obvious.
Well, yeah. The way you talk and walk and dress and your theatrical hand gestures--I did not have theatrical hand gestures.
Okay, maybe I am moderately...expressive. But why would you give me your number?
Oh, because I want a gay friend-- someone I can dish with, give me guy advice, and I can shop with--
Those are totally offensive stereotypes.
We could go see Julia Roberts movies together. I know her, and she's as nice as she seems on screen. Shut up. Really? Is she? -She is, yeah.
Wait, what--so you were pretending to be straight, and hitting on me?
It was just a stupid bar bet. My boyfriend--oh, he's here...Bet me that I couldn't get a beautiful woman's number.
And as a proud gay man, I know it shouldn't matter, but I-I just wish everyone could find me attractive.
Oh. But now he's gonna get to gloat, and I guess I deserve it.