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- You can't leave us now. We need you here. Move. I won't let you go. Move. No.
- 你不能这样一走了之 大伙需要你走开 我不会放你走走开 不
- Hand of the King? So it would seem. And your father said you couldn't take anyone with you to King's Landing.
- 御前首相看来是这样你老爸还说 不准你带任何人去君临不
- No, he said I couldn't take you with me to King's Landing. He was very specific on that point.
- 他只说不准我带你去君临他特意强调这一点
- He knew my name? What? He said, Don't bring Shae with you to King's Landing?
- 他知道我的名字什么他说 不准带雪伊去君临吗
- I believe he used the word Whore. Are you ashamed of me? Are you afraid that i'm dancing around the court with my tits out?
- 相信他用的是 妓女 这个词怕我丢了你的脸吗怕我在宫廷上跳脱衣舞是吗
- I'm funny now? I'm Shae the funny whore. My father's probably the most powerful man in the country.
- 我现在很可笑是吧我是可笑的妓女雪伊我老爸可能是海内最有权势的人
- Certainly the richest. He has all Seven Kingdoms in his pockets. Everyone everywhere
- 财力更是无人能及他可以将七国玩弄于股掌无论何人 来自何方
- Always has to do exactly what my father says. He's always been a cunt. I believe the ladies of the court
- 都要对他唯命是从他一直都这么混账相信朝廷里的夫人小姐
- Could learn a great deal from a girl like you. Why don't you come with me, be the Hand's lady?
- 能从你这样的姑娘身上学到很多不如就跟我一起进宫做首相夫人怎样

You can't leave us now. We need you here. Move. I won't let you go. Move. No.
你不能这样一走了之 大伙需要你走开 我不会放你走走开 不
Hand of the King? So it would seem. And your father said you couldn't take anyone with you to King's Landing.
御前首相看来是这样你老爸还说 不准你带任何人去君临不
No, he said I couldn't take you with me to King's Landing. He was very specific on that point.
He knew my name? What? He said, Don't bring Shae with you to King's Landing?
I believe he used the word Whore. Are you ashamed of me? Are you afraid that i'm dancing around the court with my tits out?
相信他用的是 妓女 这个词怕我丢了你的脸吗怕我在宫廷上跳脱衣舞是吗
I'm funny now? I'm Shae the funny whore. My father's probably the most powerful man in the country.
Certainly the richest. He has all Seven Kingdoms in his pockets. Everyone everywhere
财力更是无人能及他可以将七国玩弄于股掌无论何人 来自何方
Always has to do exactly what my father says. He's always been a cunt. I believe the ladies of the court
Could learn a great deal from a girl like you. Why don't you come with me, be the Hand's lady?
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/video/201609/464200.shtml