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- As Robert was himself But our brave king cried, Do your worst! I'll have your ugly head!
- 和咱劳勃一般样勇猛国王高声吼 放马过来与我斗 教你丑头断我手
- You're nowhere near as murd'rous as the lion in my bed King Robert lost his battle and
- 畜牲凶残又张狂岂如河东狮在床劳勃国王败下场
- He failed his final test The lion ripped his balls off and the boar did all the rest
- 一世威名一朝丧先遭狮子爪下辱又在野猪齿上亡
- Very amusing. Isn't it a funny song? Thank you for your rendition.
- 非常有趣这曲子多好笑啊感谢你的献唱
- I imagine it was even better received at that tavern. I'm so sorry, your grace. I'll never sing it again, I swear.
- 我猜你在酒馆唱的时候一定更受欢迎非常抱歉 陛下我发誓 我再也不唱这首歌了
- Tell me, which do you favor: your fingers or your tongue? Your grace?
- 告诉我 你更喜欢哪样你的手指还是你的舌头陛下
- Fingers or your tongue? If you got to keep one, which would it be? I. I.
- 手指还是舌头如果只能留下一样 你选什么我...我
- Or I could just cut your throat. Every man needs hands, your grace. Good.
- 还是说我直接割了你喉咙人不能没有手啊 陛下很好

As Robert was himself But our brave king cried, Do your worst! I'll have your ugly head!
和咱劳勃一般样勇猛国王高声吼 放马过来与我斗 教你丑头断我手
You're nowhere near as murd'rous as the lion in my bed King Robert lost his battle and
He failed his final test The lion ripped his balls off and the boar did all the rest
Very amusing. Isn't it a funny song? Thank you for your rendition.
I imagine it was even better received at that tavern. I'm so sorry, your grace. I'll never sing it again, I swear.
我猜你在酒馆唱的时候一定更受欢迎非常抱歉 陛下我发誓 我再也不唱这首歌了
Tell me, which do you favor: your fingers or your tongue? Your grace?
Fingers or your tongue? If you got to keep one, which would it be? I. I.
Or I could just cut your throat. Every man needs hands, your grace. Good.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/video/201609/464187.shtml
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单词grace 联想记忆: grace=grat,感激别人态度一定好,所以grace有了“文雅”的意义→优美,文雅