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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第9集:贝勒神像(4)

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Out! All of you! You too. You see that?
  • 出去! 你们都出去! 你也出去. 你看见没有?
  • 15 she is. A little flower. And her honey's all mine.
  • 她才十五岁. 像朵小花. 她的花蜜都是给我喝的.
  • I'm sure she will give you many sons. Huh. Your father didn't come to the wedding. He is quite ill, My Lord.
  • 我相信她一定会给您添许多儿子的. 哈. 你父亲没来参加我的婚礼. 他病得很重, 大人.
  • Didn't come to the last one either. Or the one before that. Your family has always pissed on me.
  • 可上次他也没来. 每次他都不来. 你的家族老是看我不顺眼.
  • My Lord, I-Don't deny it. You know it's true. The fine Lord Tully would never marry any of his children to mine.
  • 大人, 我...不要否认. 你知道我说的是实话. 高贵的徒利大人... 绝对不肯让他的孩子跟我的子女联姻.
  • I'm sure there were reasons why-I didn't need reasons. I needed to get rid of sons and daughters. You see how they pile up?
  • 我相信这有恰当的理由... 我不需要什么理由. 我需要赶紧打发掉... 这许多儿子和女儿. 你看到他们都快挤不下了吧?
  • Why are you here? To ask you to open your gates, My Lord,
  • 你来有什么事? 我来请求您... 打开城门, 大人,
  • So my son and his bannermen may cross the Trident and be on their way. Why should I let him? If you could climb your own battlements,
  • 让我儿子和他的封臣能跨过三叉戟河继续前进. 我为什么要让他过去呢? 如果您能登上城头,
  • You would see that he has 20,000 men outside your walls. They'll be 20,000 corpses when Tywin Lannister gets here. Don't try and frighten me, Lady Stark.
  • 您会看到城外他麾下的两万精兵. 等泰温兰尼斯特到来, 他们就会变成两万具尸体. 少来吓唬我, 史塔克夫人.
  • Your husband's in a cell beneath the Red Keep and your son's got no fur to keep his balls warm. You swore an oath to my father.
  • 你丈夫被关在红堡底下的牢房里 你儿子是仓促上阵, 根本没有什么底气. 您宣誓效忠于我父亲.
  • Oh yes, I said some words... And I swore oaths to the crown too, if I remember right. Joffrey's King now, which makes your boy
  • 哦, 是啊, 我宣过誓... 可我记得我也宣誓效忠王室啊. 现在乔佛里是国王了, 那你家的小鬼
  • And his corpses-to-be nothing but rebels, it seems to me. If I had the sense the Gods gave a fish, I'd hand you both over to the Lannisters.
  • 和外面那群蠢蛋不就都是叛徒么. 就算是一条鱼也应该知道, 我应该把你们通通交给兰尼斯特家.


Out! All of you! You too. You see that?

出去! 你们都出去! 你也出去. 你看见没有?

15 she is. A little flower. And her honey's all mine.

她才十五岁. 像朵小花. 她的花蜜都是给我喝的.

I'm sure she will give you many sons. Huh. Your father didn't come to the wedding. He is quite ill, My Lord.

我相信她一定会给您添许多儿子的. 哈. 你父亲没来参加我的婚礼. 他病得很重, 大人.

Didn't come to the last one either. Or the one before that. Your family has always pissed on me.

可上次他也没来. 每次他都不来. 你的家族老是看我不顺眼.

My Lord, I-Don't deny it. You know it's true. The fine Lord Tully would never marry any of his children to mine.

大人, 我...不要否认. 你知道我说的是实话. 高贵的徒利大人... 绝对不肯让他的孩子跟我的子女联姻.

I'm sure there were reasons why-I didn't need reasons. I needed to get rid of sons and daughters. You see how they pile up?

我相信这有恰当的理由... 我不需要什么理由. 我需要赶紧打发掉... 这许多儿子和女儿. 你看到他们都快挤不下了吧?

Why are you here? To ask you to open your gates, My Lord,

你来有什么事? 我来请求您... 打开城门, 大人,

So my son and his bannermen may cross the Trident and be on their way. Why should I let him? If you could climb your own battlements,

让我儿子和他的封臣能跨过三叉戟河继续前进. 我为什么要让他过去呢? 如果您能登上城头,

You would see that he has 20,000 men outside your walls. They'll be 20,000 corpses when Tywin Lannister gets here. Don't try and frighten me, Lady Stark.

您会看到城外他麾下的两万精兵. 等泰温兰尼斯特到来, 他们就会变成两万具尸体. 少来吓唬我, 史塔克夫人.

Your husband's in a cell beneath the Red Keep and your son's got no fur to keep his balls warm. You swore an oath to my father.

你丈夫被关在红堡底下的牢房里 你儿子是仓促上阵, 根本没有什么底气. 您宣誓效忠于我父亲.

Oh yes, I said some words... And I swore oaths to the crown too, if I remember right. Joffrey's King now, which makes your boy

哦, 是啊, 我宣过誓... 可我记得我也宣誓效忠王室啊. 现在乔佛里是国王了, 那你家的小鬼

And his corpses-to-be nothing but rebels, it seems to me. If I had the sense the Gods gave a fish, I'd hand you both over to the Lannisters.

和外面那群蠢蛋不就都是叛徒么. 就算是一条鱼也应该知道, 我应该把你们通通交给兰尼斯特家.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
frighten ['fraitən]


vt. 使惊吓,惊恐
vi. 惊吓

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

oath [əuθ]


n. 誓言,誓约,咒骂语

fur [fə:]


n. 毛皮,软毛,皮衣,毛皮制品
vt. 用毛

stark [stɑ:k]


adj. 僵硬的,完全的,严酷的,荒凉的,光秃秃的 ad





