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权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第8集:针锋相对(17)

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  • And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South. Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's. One army or two, the Kings in the North
  • 而泰温大人正带着另一支兰尼斯特军队从南方进逼.我们的斥候报告说其规模比弑君者的更庞大.管他一支还是两支军队, 北境之王...
  • threw back hosts 10 times as large. Mother! You look well.
  • 能够打垮十倍优势的敌人.母亲!你气色很好.
  • Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times. We had not thought to meet you here, My Lady. I had not thought to be here.
  • 凯特琳夫人, 在此动乱时刻见到您真是高兴.我们没想到会在这里见到您, 夫人.我也没想到会来这里.
  • I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, My Lords. You heard her! Move your asses!
  • 我想单独和我儿子讲几句话.相信诸位大人能够理解.你们听见夫人说的话了! 快动身!
  • Come on, out. You too, Greyjoy. Are you bloody deaf? Have no fear, My Lady.
  • 快点, 到外面去.你也是, 葛雷乔伊. 你他妈的耳聋了吗?不要担心, 夫人.
  • We'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole and then it's on to the Red Keep to free Ned. You old devil, Rodrik. Jon.
  • 我们会拿剑拥穿泰温兰尼斯特的屁眼...然后打下红堡救出奈德.你这老鬼头, 罗德利克. 大琼恩.
  • You're not wasting away, are you? I remember the day you came into this world redfaced and squalling.
  • 你的功夫还没荒废, 是吗?我还清楚地记得你出生那天的样子...脸红红的, 大声哭闹.
  • And now I find you leading a host to war. There was no one else. No one? Who were those men I saw here?
  • 现在我却看到你率领着一支大军上战场.没别人了. 没别人?我刚才见到的那些人是谁?
  • None of them are Starks. All of them are seasoned in battle. If you think you can send me back to Winterfell Oh, would that I could.
  • 他们都不是史塔克. 他们都身经百战.如果你想把我送回临冬城...哦, 我真希望能这么做.
  • There was... a letter. From Sansa.
  • 我收到了...一封信.珊莎写来的.


权力的游戏(MP3+中英字幕) 第8集:针锋相对

And Lord Tywin is bringing around a second Lannister army from the South. Our scouts confirm it's even larger than the Kingslayer's. One army or two, the Kings in the North

而泰温大人正带着另一支兰尼斯特军队从南方进逼.我们的斥候报告说其规模比弑君者的更庞大.管他一支还是两支军队, 北境之王...

threw back hosts 10 times as large. Mother! You look well.


Lady Catelyn, you're a welcome sight in these troubled times. We had not thought to meet you here, My Lady. I had not thought to be here.

凯特琳夫人, 在此动乱时刻见到您真是高兴.我们没想到会在这里见到您, 夫人.我也没想到会来这里.

I would speak with my son alone. I know you will forgive me, My Lords. You heard her! Move your asses!

我想单独和我儿子讲几句话.相信诸位大人能够理解.你们听见夫人说的话了! 快动身!

Come on, out. You too, Greyjoy. Are you bloody deaf? Have no fear, My Lady.

快点, 到外面去.你也是, 葛雷乔伊. 你他妈的耳聋了吗?不要担心, 夫人.

We'll shove our swords up Tywin Lannister's bunghole and then it's on to the Red Keep to free Ned. You old devil, Rodrik. Jon.

我们会拿剑拥穿泰温兰尼斯特的屁眼...然后打下红堡救出奈德.你这老鬼头, 罗德利克. 大琼恩.

You're not wasting away, are you? I remember the day you came into this world redfaced and squalling.

你的功夫还没荒废, 是吗?我还清楚地记得你出生那天的样子...脸红红的, 大声哭闹.

And now I find you leading a host to war. There was no one else. No one? Who were those men I saw here?

现在我却看到你率领着一支大军上战场.没别人了. 没别人?我刚才见到的那些人是谁?

None of them are Starks. All of them are seasoned in battle. If you think you can send me back to Winterfell Oh, would that I could.

他们都不是史塔克. 他们都身经百战.如果你想把我送回临冬城...哦, 我真希望能这么做.

There was... a letter. From Sansa.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shove [ʃʌv]


n. 推,挤
v. 推挤,放置,撞

troubled ['trʌbld]


adj. 动乱的,不安的;混乱的;困惑的





